31: I Hate That I Loved You, Maybe Then I Wouldn't Be So Broken

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When Y/n's eyes fluttered opened, she didn't know what to expect.

The first thing she focused on was the sudden sharp pain to her head which made her wince.

As her vision became clearer, she noticed that her surroundings were brighter than usual. That's when it occurred to her that she was in a hospital.

The bed ridden female stirred which caused a certain ginger on a chair beside her to perk up.

Parker immediately jumped up and embraced her dearest friend as if she was dying.

"Parker?" Y/n mumbled in confusion, slowly bring a hand up to pat Parker's back though she was utterly weak.

"Oh, Y/n!" Parker cried, "I'm so glad you're okay." Despite the bright smile the ginger had on her face, Y/n knew that there was immense pain behind that 'mask' of hers.

Her eyes were red, swollen and half lidded as to say she was tired, her dark orange hair that was always styled neatly was now loose and messy.

Every moment at the park came rushing back to her memory, she remember every occurrence up to the moment she was knocked unconscious.

"Matt." Was what she uttered in her fragile state. Y/n sat up, groaning in pain when Parker held her shoulders as a gesture to stop, "Where's Matt?"

"Y/n." Parker said with sympathy, a frown now taking over her features, "Matt and Mello are gone."

"W-what?" Y/n sat in utter confusion and disbelief, praying that this was a nightmare she would soon wake up from.

"I got a call saying you were unconscious in the back of Matt's Camero. Surely enough when I got there, you were." Parker explained as her now dull green eyes looked to the tiles of the room, "Mello said that William had taken Matt and he was going to get him back."

Parker's lips quivered and tears began to brim her eyes as she was hesitant to continue, "Y/n, that was 3 days ago. They never take so long in a situation like this. Never."

Soon enough the e/c eyes of Y/n started to well up also as the thoughts of Matt no longer being alive crossed her mind. The thoughts of no longer bickering with Mello.

What would Mia think?

She had been so attached to the pair of males, the little girl would be heartbroken if anything were to happen to them.

"They're going to be okay." Y/n said after a long silence, trying to convince Parker as well as herself of their safety, "It's Matt and Mello, they'll be okay."

"Oh, Y/n." Parker started sobbing in which Y/n gently took her friend in her arms, rubbing her back smoothly in a comforting way.

Unknowingly to the ginger, Y/n cried silently; tears streaming down her face as she withheld a stoic face in order to keep it together for Parker.

When the ginger finally calmed, she flopped back on the chair and fell asleep; probably exhausted from crying for days. A knock was heard at the doorframe of Y/n's room.

The eyes of the h/c haired girl widened at the sight of her mother.

"Y/n, darling." Evelyn smiled at the sight of her daughter, she approached for a hug which Y/n returned, "I'm so happy you're alright."

"Hi, mom." Y/n slightly smiled, "What are you doing here?"

"Parker called and told me all that happened and I had to come and take care of you." Evelyn explained as she took a seat on the edge of Y/n's bed, "I'm so sorry about everything darling." Y/n knew she was talking about Matt.

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