20: Officer Pretty At Your Services

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Hiding behind a trash can, the male waited for a couple officers to walk down the sidewalk.

When it was deemed clear, he ran to a dark alleyway with his back pressed against the cold brick wall.

After a couple seconds he peered out the alleyway and saw it was yet again clear.

The male trudged along the sidewalk, eyeing his surroundings as he slid his orange tinted goggles that always sat on top his head over his eyes.

A couple street lights flicker in the distance, the orangeish light illuminating the path he walked.

Goosebumps slightly raised on the male's skin when the night breeze blew and brushed against him gently.

He picked up the pace when he heard the siren of a cop car that was probably in the next street over.

He ran into the familiar apartment complex and ran up the stairs till he reached the 2nd floor and door 19.

Running from the coppers is something new to him since he's mostly feared around those parts.

He was practically untouchable.

In some aspects anyway.

The brunet twist the door handle, praying it was unlocked.

"Yes!" He whisper shouted to himself when he heard a click signaling it was indeed open. When he opened the door he quickly closed it quietly, cringing at every small sound he made.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, he turned around and immediately backed up against the door.

His h/c haired girl stood before him with his shirt on, arms folded and not to mention the pissed off experience her face held.

It scared him straight.


Y/n had just finished a shower, she wanted nothing but to lay on her couch, curl up in a blanket and watch TV.

The girl did her nightly routine and wore one of Matt's shirt she snagged a while back.

It even smelled like him

Walking out into her living room, she quickly put on the TV for some light background noise and walked away to find a hair brush.

Whilst looking for it, she couldn't help but listen to the TV which was on a news channel.

"Two days ago the Rontly building sudden caught on a raging fire, burning to ashes to the ground. Authorities say this might have been deliberately done due to the controversy between William Rontly and the famous Mihael Keehl and Mail Jeevas"

Upon hearing those names she practically scrambled to the couch and turned up the volume.

"The owner of the Rontly building also had controversy with a lot of gangs including the Calerna gang and the Yotel gang. There is minimal evidence to prove this however."

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