32: We're Gathered Here To Celebrate The Life And Mourn The Loss

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The tears didn't stop.

It flowed down their faces like rivers in the deepest parts of a forest.

The pain didn't stop.

The fact that they were gone forever didn't register in her mind even at their funeral.

The pain in their hearts never eased

It seemed to grow as they thought about it.

The girls had no choice but to hold a closed casket funeral as their bodies were too disembodied to put on display.

Not even the girls were allowed to see it because of how terrible it was. In fact, they didn't want to.

Just the thought of how much pain the two were in as they were being tortured was enough to make Y/n sick to the bottom of her stomach.

At the funeral, Parker and Y/n made their tributes to the pair.

A lot of people were there actually, there was no doubt that both Matt and Mello were extremely well known and loved.

For the entire time she was at the funeral, she was bombarded with 'I'm sorry for your loss' or 'Are you okay?' or some other stupid statement

Though she wanted to tell them all to fuck off, the girl instead smiled and nodded.


The little girl's voice seemed to pulled her out of her thoughts. Y/n genuinely smiled at her sister, the only thing that could ever cheer her up.

When Y/n first told Mia the news, as expected she was devastated.

It pained her even more when Mia would cry herself to sleep and Y/n made sure she was there for her, holding her as she did so.

"Yes munchkin?"

"There's an officer over there looking for you." The little girl pointed to the direction of the entrance of the funeral home where surely enough an officer stood.

Y/n was about to find her mother to look after Mia as she spoke to him when a voice behind her spoke.

"I'll stay with her, babe." Parker said approaching the two, "Come on Mia, let's look at the flowers outside."

This excited the younger L/n as she clutched on Parker as they left.

Y/n approached the officer who she recognized to be the officer who first broke the news to the girls that dreadful night.

"Officer Wilford." Y/n spared a smile as she greeted him, "Thank you for coming. Is there a particular reason you needed to speak to me."

Wilford nodded with a sympathy smile at the girl before him, "Yes actually. As the closest member that Mail and Mihael had to them, I should let you know that we are on the pursuit of William Rontly, the alleged murderer of the deceased."

Y/n practically scowled at the mention of his name, "I'm not going to lie to you Ms. L/n, it has been hard to do so because William has been missing since the incident."

"He's probably hiding in some hole like the coward he is." Y/n scoffed, " You better catch him before I do because it won't be pretty. "

Wilford chuckled at the girl's blunt words, "Telling an officer of your intentions of assault isn't a good move, Ms. L/n."

"Who said anything about assault?" Y/n grinned, implying she would do worse than just mediocre assault.

After exchanging some words, officer Wilford left the vicinity after saying his goodbyes.

Y/n headed to the front of the room where the two coffins stood, side by side like how they have been even when they were in this world.

She put a hand on top of Matt's coffin, caressing the smooth and polished wood with her thumb

With tears now streaming down her face, she was reminded of the fact that the love of her life was inside this fancy box.

Y/n gently kissed the coffin with a smile, "I love you, Matt."

She did the same for Mello before looking for Parker and her sister.

After a day or two, Parker moved back into her apartment because the ginger had to go back at some point to face reality.

Y/n had come home from a long day at work. She had come home later than usual. It was 2 A.M. when she had reached inside, slipping off her shoes.

Without bothering to change out of her uniform, the h/c haired girl flopped on her bed face first and was on the verge of falling asleep.

When she heard the slight creak of her floorboard, however, she jolted awake.

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