"I'm doing this for you, for us!"
"No Wilbur, you're doing this for you."
A story in which Wilbur makes a mistake he'll soon have to pay for.
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Wasn't there another way this could be solved?
This is what he was supposed to do, it's all that he could do.
The world was fuzzy, the floor was hard to see ahead and the carpet was prickly. Words jumbled through his head, heavy breaths leaving his mouth. Each footstep felt heavier than the next as he approached the washing machine. Carelessly, he tossed the stained shirt that was once on his body into the water filling the machine. Hopefully soap would do the trick.
Another option?
Staggering footsteps led to the couch, the sound echoing through the house. Ever so carelessly he dropped dead weight onto the corduroy letting out a heavy exhale.
A loud blaring ringtone filled the room. He picked up his phone, the half-dried liquid on his fingers leaving temporary stains onto the screen.
"Wil! Wil, you answered. Thank God." A heavy accent spoke loudly in a panic.
"Yea... I'm sorry, I am." He slurred out.
"So... you really did do it...?" The voice got low.
"I had to, he knew too much."
There was a pause on the other line.
"Hey, you know he wasn't all that bad... he deserved a second chance."
"You and I both know he didn't. He tortured and tormented you and you really think that he deserves to move on? To live his life with a second chance? Fuck that." His emotions took hold of him, anger seeping out into his words.
"Ok, sure he deserved some sort of punishment... but this Wil? I don't think so." The voice got stern yet there was an undeniable sniff that could be heard through the silence.
"Look, you think I really wanted to do that? I had to. It was too late ok? It's done now." Nothing but silence from the other line after that.
"I'm sorry ok...? But I couldn't watch him treat you like that anymore, as if you were shit on the sidewalk, as if you were nothing." The anger mellowed down and out came the sadness as the tears rolled down his cheeks.
"It's fine Wil, it's fine" The voice grew soft. "Look, I know this isn't what you intended ok? We'll get you back to yourself in no time. We'll cover this up and it will be like nothing ever happened ok?"
"Ok..." He voice wavered, unsure that could ever be the outcome.
It will be ok, this will clear up.
It will go away.
"I'm gonna go now ok? I need to finish my paper for college tomorrow... and we both need time to process for the night. Give me a call if something comes up ok?"
The phone hung up before Wilbur could get the chance to say anything. His friend was mad. His best friend was furious and it was all his fault. But who wouldn't be? He had committed something terrible. He was just trying to help, it wasn't supposed to be this way.
Quiet sobs left his mouth as he clenched the material on the couch. Why did he do this? He left his poor friend questioning who he really was, he left his friend confused and scared.
Repeatedly he took his emotions out on the couch as he continued slamming his clenched fists onto the cushions.
He reeked horribly. The stench filled his nose making him disgusted, not only with the smell but with himself. His head raced.
Why did you do this?
Look at what you did
You ruined everything
You're a monster
It will be like nothing ever happened
His friend's voice rang through his head. "Nothing ever happened" He choked out. He exhaled heavily. "Nothing ever happened."