"I'm doing this for you, for us!"
"No Wilbur, you're doing this for you."
A story in which Wilbur makes a mistake he'll soon have to pay for.
This book contains graphic content such as violence, me...
It was freezing outside, after all, it was five in the morning and Alex wasn't wearing a hoodie, a bad day to forget your jacket. But he had bigger things to worry about besides his jacket which he really missed right now.
He shuffled into the bushes watching the nice-looking house from afar, at least it was way nicer than his. Alex hoped this was the right house he was looking at, he just followed the directions on his phone to the address Toby gave him. He shivered taking a seat on the grass, pulling out the walky-talky he had in the pocket of his pants.
"Alright, I'm here" He spoke into the speaker waiting to hear back. "Cool beans" A voice came from the speaker. "Cool beans? Don't ever say that again Karl" Alex cringed at his friend.
"Ok ok" Karl laughed. "Did he come out of the house yet?"
"I don't think so," Alex peered over the bush to get a closer look. "I can see a light on downstairs, maybe he's about to leave? Or make breakfast? Who wants to get up this early when schools only in a couple of hours thought?"
"Some people take showers" Karl joked. Alex rolled his eyes. The two went back and forth for another half hour until Alex noticed something. "Karl Karl shut up, the lights are off now"
"You see him anywhere?" Karl questioned. "Shh shh, hold on" Alex hushed as he walked a tall figure walk out of the house, it seemed they were locking the door now. The figure started on its way down the sidewalk nearing Alex.
Alex held his breath, watching the figure walk by. Tall, fluffy brown hair, glasses, this fit the description Toby gave him so this must be the guy, right? Alex let him pass by before deciding on speaking to Karl.
"He's just passed me, I'm pretty sure it's the guy" Alex informed. "Ok well don't waste time, go follow him!" Karl exclaimed. "Karl shhhh!" Alex whisper yelled. "You're gonna need to be quiet if you want this to work"
"Right right" Karl whispered. "Now go!"
Alex rolled his eyes, by now Wilbur had gotten to a corner about to make a turn. Standing up he made his way out of the bush trying not to make too much noise. He walked carefully on the sidewalk, trying to make his footsteps silent.
Alex had managed to follow Wilbur all the way to another house, watching his every move, and was careful not to make any noises. He made his way behind another bush, peeking through to watch what Wilbur's next move was. "He's at another house" Alex informed through the walky-talky. "What's he doing?" Karl whispered.
"Hold on" Alex replied watching Wilbur knock on the door. He watched Wilbur move back as the door opened, a girl walking out. Alex furrowed his eyebrows, the girl looked familiar. He squinted his eyes trying to get a closer look at her. His eyes then widened in realization, it was the girl from the other day, the girl that had bashed Toby into the lockers.
Alex watched the two connect lips and cringed. "He's at his girlfriend's house..." He trailed off in disgust. "Pff grow up" The voice from the speaker was deeper. "You're just mad cause you have no bitches"
"Karl?" Alex looked to the walky-talky in confusion. "No, you dickhead, it's Nick" Alex's expression relaxed in realization. "Where's Karl?" Alex asked his friend.
"It's his turn to get ready for school, so I took over" Nick explained. Alex rolled his eyes watching the couple walk away from the house.
Alex had followed the two all the way to school, students were arriving slowly to the campus. "Anything strange?" Karl was now back on the line. "Nope, he seems pretty normal to me. I'm gonna turn this thing off now, it'll be too obvious in school." Alex shrugged walking into the school turning the walky-talky off and shoving it into his backpack.
Everything was completely normal so far. Alex had been following Wilbur around the halls in between every class and lunch. Nothing had happened all day besides the random conversations Wilbur had with Tommy. Thankfully Alex had gym with Wilbur, but nothing happened there either, besides some girls staring at Wilbur from which Alex caught from a glance.
The bell was about to ring signaling the end of the school day. Alex sat in his sweat watching the clock, he just wanted this boring day to be over. He had expected Wilbur to do something strange, even if it was small, but nothing happened. The tune played from the intercom, students walking into the locker rooms to change and leave.
Alex dreaded having gym as his last class, after sitting in boredom all day he had to rush getting dressed just to get out of that hell hole. He made his way to the guy's locker room, Wilbur not too far in front of him.
He glanced at Wilbur who took out his phone from his locker. Alex looked back to his locker shoving his gym clothes into his locker, thank god it was Friday, he didn't have to see those stupid clothes for a couple of days. He closed his locker with a sigh, finally, the day was over.
It was his phone, he picked it up out of his pocket. "Impatient Karl" He rolled his eyes before looking down at his phone's lock screen. Alex tilted his head in confusion, it was a text, but it wasn't from Karl. He swiped up on the screen unlocking his phone and clicked on the notification.
I wasn't aware you were a part of my fan club.
Please stop watching me
The text was cocky yet almost polite. Alex furrowed his eyebrows reading the text over again. He had been caught. He looked up from the screen over to Wilbur's locker, but Wilbur had already disappeared.
He looked back at his phone again.
Or you're going to have to watch yourself.
Alex blinked at his phone for a moment before frustration came over him. How could he have been caught, he was so careful. He let out a sigh of irritation now calling his friend.
"He knew I was watching him Karl" Alex broke the news.
"What? How?" Karl was confused, bewildered by what Alex had just told him.
"No fucking clue, I wasn't being obvious. Well, I'm pretty sure I wasn't" Alex now was confused by himself.
"Meet at my house? Everyone else is gonna meet up there to discuss anyway, you can tell Toby and Clay what you saw?" Karl suggested.
"Whatever, this guy's a fucking douche" Alex rolled his eyes hanging up the phone.
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