"I'm doing this for you, for us!"
"No Wilbur, you're doing this for you."
A story in which Wilbur makes a mistake he'll soon have to pay for.
This book contains graphic content such as violence, me...
Toby stared at the silver jingly object that sat in his hand. He didn't realize what he had truly done by taking the keys, but he had nothing else. Nothing else except that polaroid that told him nothing except for Wilbur had a picture of George taken by someone else for him.
Toby looked up to see Clay looking at the keys anxiously, he soon took the same look to Toby's eyes. "Are you sure we should have these?" Clay asked, his leg bouncing. "I don't think we have another choice. And they really don't like that I have them" Toby stated looking down at the keys once again.
"Tommy was really angry..." Toby frowned. It hurt when his friend was angry or yelled at him, but he just wanted to help him. "But this must mean they're hiding something right?"
"I don't know..." Clay trailed off. "We have nothing but that polaroid, and that doesn't prove much."
Toby hummed, standing up from the couch. "To the computer"
Clay had led Toby to his room where his computer sat on his desk. Toby sat down onto the cushioned chair, moving closer to the keyboard. Toby's fingers just sat on the keyboard for a moment. What if he was going too far? What if Tommy was really telling the truth? What if there really is nothing going on?
Toby tried wrapping his brain around the whole situation. If Wilbur really didn't do anything, if he truly was just a normal plain guy who just happened to be there at the wrong time, then Toby had just stolen his keys for no reason.
There was something eating him up inside though. If Wilbur truly didn't have anything to do with George's disappearance, if he didn't have anything to do with Tommy's strange behavior, then why was Tommy being so defensive? Of course, it could of very well been because Toby was acting a bit out of hand, but still, Tommy was usually understanding when it came to Toby.
His fingers typed in "Instagram", the screen soon filled with the social media website. He would just have a look, just in case there really was a dark turn sitting right in front of him.
He moved the mouse up to the search bar clicking on it and typing in "Wilbur Gold". Finding Wilbur's account was tricky, all the profiles he could see were just a bunch of middle-aged men. He scrolled until he came upon an account with the name "Wilbur Soot", and the picture looked exactly like Wilbur.
"Bingo" Toby clicked on the profile, pictures from posts filled the screen. Toby went through each one, nothing unusual seemed to be in any of them. Normal comments too, mostly from Tommy though. Toby read them aloud. "looking dapper, very cool Wilbur, we are the original CBs. Wait- CBs?"
"The polaroid was signed by a CB correct?" Toby looked over to Clay who was sitting on his bed. Clay looked up from his phone. "Yea, I think so, why? You find something?" Clay asked curiously.
"Yea actually, Tommy keeps referring to him and Wilbur as CBs or crime boys in these comments" Toby continued looking at all of the comments. "So Tommy gave him the polaroid?" Clay questioned.
"Seems so" Toby kept his eyes on the screen. "And there's been no posts since November twenty-eighth"
"That's the day before George left, that was the last day I ever spoke to him..." Clay trailed off, a frown appearing. "Don't worry Clay, we're gonna find George, there's a clear link to all of this. We just need to search harder." Toby spoke, a determined look across his face.
"I hope so..." Clay sighed, leaning back onto the pillows. "We will, we have these remember?" Toby pulled the keys out of his pocket jingling them in the air.
"You know," Clay sat up suddenly. "We searched Wilbur's locker, right? We found a polaroid of George that Tommy gave him, so obviously, this Tommy guy is connected to all of this. Maybe Wilbur isn't holding the evidence we're looking for, but Tommy does. He's the supplier right?" Clay spoke, his tone low yet he felt like he solved the world's hardest puzzle.
"Oh ho ho! Now you're talking!" Toby exclaimed. "Tommy's locker next, good thinking Clay."
"Naturally" Clay pushed his hair back, a satisfied smile plastered on his face.
Darkness took over the sky, and the wind was still for once, leaving the hair of its victims alone. Dianne and Wilbur walked close together, fingers interlocked as usual. Every moment she shared with Wilbur felt warm, peaceful, but right now the air was dry and she could feel his tenseness. But could she blame him? Toby had broken into his house and had stolen his keys.
"How's your arm?" Dianne looked up at the tall boy. "It's doing better" Wilbur spoke plainly, not bothering to look at her. As much as she wanted Wilbur to ease up, she knew there was no point in trying to get him to. She just wanted to help take this drama away from him.
"We'll get your keys back ok?" Dianne looked back up at him, he said nothing in return though. His eyes kept straight ahead and his pace continued. "What can I do to help? Should I try talking to Toby?" She continued talking to him.
"There's no point..." He finally spoke, his tone low. "And I don't want you to feel like you're in the middle of this" Wilbur finally turned to look at her, stopping in his tracks.
He moved from his spot beside Dianne to the front of her, his hand running up to her cheek. "Don't worry ok? I have this handled. All you have to do is trust me, can you do that?" He brushed her hair behind her ear.
"Of course I can, I'd trust you with my life c'mon " She rolled her eyes playfully, smiling up at him.
"Perfect" He kissed her cheek. "You're perfect" Dianne's face was tinted a soft pink as she softly punched his arm.
"That's definitely you" He retorted with a chuckle. The two went back to their original stances, back to fingers interlocked, wandering down the sidewalk in the darkness.
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