Chapter 1 : DONT TURN 19 !

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 [ Hi, I am Nico! I am not a professional writer, this is my first Wattpad writing. So if u want any changes or corrections feel free to comment down and I hope all of you would like it]  

                                                                 Chapter 1

Two more months to turn 19,  to step into the Magemenos University of Parallel Universe.  She never once dreamt of death, but little did she know her life and death would be playing a tug of war soon within a few months. 

"Honey she is gonna turn 19 soon, do we have to send her to the Magemenos," said Mrs. Ferro with tears of fright. Tears blurred her eyes as she gazed at Alysa's picture of her eighteenth birthday. " Darling there is no other choice, all we can do is beseech Jesus to give her the courage to face the undesirable," told Mr. Ferro.

"Unless we..." before Mrs. Ferro could utter any other word Mr. Ferro intervened " by no means, don't even think about it. Don't forget we are humans but they aren't. "

" Then should we hand over our daughter to the ruthless hands of those merciless inhumane beasts ?" asked Mrs. Ferro furiously as tears trickled down her frozen cheeks.

" Oh no ! darling, Jesus is always with her, so is our prayers" Mr. Ferro assured her as he gripped her shoulders and comforted her.

"Drop this thing, okay? we only have a few months until she turns 19 let us cherish these months to the fullest. Just think about all the cool stuff we can do together" he leans over the desk and lowers his voice to a whisper "I don't care what the stories say, I know nothing is gonna happen"

"I am home, dinners ready?" they hear a voice from some distance away. They wipe their tears promptly. " Yes, Lysa all ready! just waiting for you to join us ." 

"How was your day sweety? anything interesting.?" Asked Mrs. Ferro delightedly. 

"Hmm. how do I say this,  maybe okey- dokey! It was kind of awful though " apprised Alysa trying to help herself on the couch. " Mama I will make sure to let you know everything, but before that shall I please the little rats in my tummy " chuckled Alysa, expecting a laugh, but the atmosphere was so gloomy that there was no response, not even a smile. 

Alysa was not a kid anymore, she could feel that something was off in the atmosphere, she immediately understood that there was something she was unaware of, but what was it?

"Anyways what's with the expression on your face? What's the matter? What's cooking between you two?" Alysa asked curiously in a hum speech with arancini rice ball and mozzarella dripping down her mouth.

Mrs. Ferro and Mr. Ferro exchanged a sudden gaze,  he immediately changed the table talk "Anyways I am going to uncle Ruz's place, I have to grab some of my stuff, so... I was wondering if you would want to accompany me ? you don't have an option though! "exclaimed Mr. Ferro with a plastic smile.

"Yeah sure dad, I would love to! Just looking forward to meeting the super boring uncle and his very irritating and super annoying son Matteo! , But at the moment you guys are acting weird. Oh yes, this reminds me of something really weird that happened this morning, a grey-haired elderly man with sparkling golden eyes, wearing a tan-colored hoody approached me without notice and muttered some foreign words which were beyond my comprehension. But he constantly kept gawking at my neck as though he wanted to choke me. Got to say he was a creepy man."

" What did he say ?" asked Mrs. Ferro in a panicked tone.

" Mama chill! It's not .." before Alysa could even finish, Mrs. Ferro yelled,  "Just answer what I asked Lysa ." Alysa was puzzled by the sudden change in her mother's tone. She had never seen her mother this anxious before.

Alysa stammered as she replied, "I don't exactly remember his words, but I guess he was speaking about avengers, he told - Moira blah blah Thanos, that's everything I could grasp at the moment."

" You mean " 'mia moíra cheiróteri apó ton thánato' ?" said Mrs. Ferro in an agitated manner hoping she would be wrong.

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