Chapter 28:Welcome anchor

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Eagen's comforting presence was a welcome anchor in the midst of my panic, his soothing words urging me to calm down as the echoes of the demon's gruesome feast continued to reverberate in my mind.

Despite the relief of seeing Eagen's familiar face, the haunting memory of the gruesome incident lingered, a specter that refused to fade. The pain coursing through my body served as a relentless reminder of the horrors I had endured.

Eagen's lighthearted remark brought a fleeting smile to my lips,a welcome respite from the darkness that threatened to consume me.

"You okay" he said smiling..

Eagen's inquiry about my well-being brought a smile to my lips, grateful for his concern amidst the chaos that surrounded us. "I'm feeling better now," I assured him, though the memory of the harrowing ordeal still lingered in the recesses of my mind.

Now that I realize he hadn't been stammering.

His newfound confidence, evident in his steady speech, hinted at a growing sense of camaraderie between us.

"Go to the right you will find washroom ,i suggest you to wash up your wounds to heal faster."He said.

With a nod of gratitude, I acknowledged his suggestion and made my way to the washroom, each step a testament to the resilience that burned within me. As I tended to my wounds, cleaning away the blood and debris, I couldn't help but marvel at the depth of the scar on my palm and the size of the scratch on my foot—painful reminders of the cruelty that lurked within some of my fellow contestants.

How could someone be capable of such inhumanity? The question lingered in my mind as I grappled with the unsettling reality of the world I found myself in. And yet, despite the darkness that threatened to engulf me, a glimmer of hope remained—a beacon of light amidst the shadows that surrounded me.

As I sipped on the refreshing drink provided in the hallway, a surge of revitalizing energy coursed through me, invigorating both body and spirit. The concoction, likely an energy drink crafted by the makers of Peculous, offered a much-needed boost to my weary limbs and frayed nerves.

"Take some rest , the next game is even more challenging" Eagen said with a concern

Taking his advice to heart, I settled into a nearby seat, allowing myself a moment of respite before the next trial that awaited us. The looming specter of uncertainty hung heavy in the air, a constant reminder of the perilous journey that lay ahead.

Before long, a sense of gratitude welled up within me, and I turned to Eagen with heartfelt appreciation. "Thank you for your guidance earlier," I expressed, my words laden with sincerity. In a world fraught with danger and deception, his words of wisdom had been a beacon of hope, guiding me through the darkest of times.

"Nah!You helped me too in 5 senses ,so we are even" He said looking at me with a warm smile on his face.

Eagen's words of reciprocity brought a sense of warmth to my weary heart, his genuine smile a comforting balm in the midst of the chaos that surrounded us. As exhaustion washed over me like a tidal wave, I found myself sinking into the plush comfort of the couch, my eyelids growing heavy with fatigue.

With a sigh of contentment, I surrendered to the embrace of sleep, allowing the events of the evening to fade into the background as dreams whisked me away to a realm of peace and tranquility. In that fleeting moment of respite, amidst the trials and tribulations that awaited us, I found solace in the simple act of rest.

As I drifted into slumber, the world around me melted away, leaving behind only the gentle rhythm of my breath and the promise of a new day yet to dawn. It had been a tiring evening indeed, but within the depths of my dreams, I found renewal and the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The sound of laughter jolted me from my slumber, and as my eyes fluttered open, I found myself confronted by a group of girls whose demeanor exuded an air of superiority. Clad in attire that seemed more suited to a high-end soirée than the grim reality of our current situation, their whispered remarks only served to heighten my discomfort.

With a heavy sigh, I resisted the urge to confront them, my energy reserves depleted from the trials of the day. Instead, I chose to retreat to a nearby couch, seeking solace in the sanctuary of solitude. As I settled into the plush cushions, I turned my focus inward, allowing the clamor of the outside world to fade into the background.

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