Chapter 20: A Trap

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Exhausted and famished, I found myself unable to take another step, my body drained of energy. Eagen's condition was dire, on the brink of collapse. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, we decided to prioritize replenishing our strength with the food

With a moderate amount of food, we managed to quell the gnawing hunger that plagued us all. Though it wasn't a feast, it was enough to satisfy our immediate needs and replenish our dwindling energy.

"Are you sure you're leading us the right way?" Keth questioned doubtfully.

"Yes, and you should trust the guide, dude," I replied, shooting him a sidelong glance, hoping to convey both confidence and a hint of annoyance at his skepticism.

After replenishing ourselves with food and water, we resumed our journey forward, determined to press on despite the challenges that lay ahead.

"How much time is left, Eagen? Have there been any announcements?" I inquired, hoping for an update on our progress.

"No, not yet," he replied, his tone tinged with uncertainty.

With a renewed sense of purpose, we quickened our pace, determined to cover more ground than usual. Each step propelled us forward, driven by the urgency of our mission and the anticipation of reaching our destination.

"We're almost at the exit, just a few more minutes, guys," I announced, a surge of excitement coursing through me as we approached the culmination of our journey.

Following the map diligently, we finally arrived at the location marked with a cross sign, signifying the exit. A sense of accomplishment washed over us as we realized that our arduous journey was nearing its end.

"We have 20 minutes," Eagen announced.

"Drake,  smell the exit," Keth ordered.

"I can't smell the exit," Drake replied, his tone tinged with frustration as he struggled to use his ability to aid us.

"Focus, Drake! The smell of the exit is the same as the smell of the entry. I'm sure you smelled the entry, right?" I pressed, hoping to jog his memory and guide him in using his ability effectively.

"Yes, I did, but there is no exit here, nowhere near," Drake reported, his voice tinged with concern as he relayed the disheartening news.

"Are you certain you led us to the correct location? I warned you not to trust this girl and her poor locating skills!" Keth shouted, his frustration boiling over as he pointed an accusatory finger in my direction.

"I'm absolutely certain this is the place; we're standing right on that cross mark. But why can't we smell the exit?" I pondered aloud, my voice laced with uncertainty as we grappled with the unexpected turn of events.

"I... I can hear some noises, like animals suffocating. I hear crackling, like the sound of burning leaves," Eagen said, his voice trembling slightly as he closed his eyes, attempting to discern the source of the unsettling sounds.

As the temperature rose rapidly, it felt as though we were trapped in a sauna. Beads of sweat formed on our brows, trickling down our faces as we struggled to endure the oppressive heat that enveloped us.

"T-there's a fo-forest fire," Eagen stammered, his voice trembling with fear as he warned us of the impending danger.

Before we could even take a step, the fire seemed to spread with alarming speed, as if it were determined to engulf us. The overwhelming sense of hopelessness washed over me as I realized our dire predicament. How could we possibly escape from a raging inferno? It seemed that our fate was sealed, and the thought of survival dwindled to nothing more than a distant dream.

"This was a bloody trap!" Keth's voice echoed with rage as he shouted 

"They meant for us to come here. The cross sign wasn't indicating the exit; it was marking the place we should never enter. They made it appear as if it were an exit," Keth sighed, his words heavy with resignation as the reality of the trap dawned on us.

"And we thought we were clever finding a way around," I added, my voice tinged with bitterness as we grappled with the realization that we had been outsmarted by our adversaries.

That's how we recieved the answers as to why the smell was not to be used anywhere.2 

"Then where is the exit?" Eagen's voice trembled with fear as he voiced the question that weighed heavily on all of our minds.

"Let's focus on escaping this first. Come closer to me, everyone. I'll create a shield for as long as I can," Keth said.

We gathered closely around Keth as he summoned his protective shield, shielding us from the searing heat as we made a desperate dash in the direction we believed to be free from the fire's grasp. With each passing moment, Keth's hand began to burn, the shield showing signs of wear and tear. We ran with all our might, determined to escape before the shield was torn apart completely.

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