Chapter 9:First rule break

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Exhausted from navigating the vast expanse of the university grounds, fatigue weighed heavily upon me as the clock struck six. Unlike my usual energetic self at this hour, today's excursion left me drained beyond measure. Sensing the need for rest, I surrendered to the embrace of a plush blanket, cocooning myself in its warmth. With a gentle hum, the air conditioner provided a soothing backdrop as I drifted effortlessly into a deep, replenishing sleep.

Jolted awake by the intrusive clang of the bell, I blinked groggily, my mind struggling to grasp the passage of time. Shock washed over me as I glanced at the clock, discovering it was already half past eight. How had I managed to sleep for two and a half hours? Nathan's cautionary reminder echoed faintly in my memory, urging punctuality for dinner. Yet, in the grand scheme of consequences, missing a meal seemed a minor inconvenience. With a resigned shrug, I resolved to face whatever repercussions awaited, confident in my ability to endure a skipped dinner.

As I hastened towards the dining hall, the grand doors swung open, and a hush fell over the room. Every gaze turned towards me, eyes wide with astonishment, as if I had stepped onto a stage in the midst of a performance. For a fleeting moment, I felt like a celebrity, engulfed by a sea of hungry admirers, their silent anticipation akin to paparazzi vying for the perfect snapshot.

An elderly figure, resembling an elf with his diminutive stature, approached me with an air of authority. His face, tinged with a peculiar shade of purple, stood out against his otherwise blue complexion, lending him an otherworldly aura. As he drew nearer, his presence exuded wisdom and experience, suggesting that he might be a professor or a revered elder within the university community.

 He looked at me as though I had committed an unforgivable transgression, his glare penetrating to the depths of my conscience, accusing me as if I were responsible for a crime.

"How dare you break the rules, and who gave you the right to do so?" His voice resonated with authority, each word carrying the weight of his stern disapproval. It was a reprimand that echoed through the halls.

As Caporaso came rushing towards me, his expression a mix of concern and urgency, I shot him a questioning look, silently conveying my bewilderment at the audacity of the elderly figure's authoritative tone. It was a wordless plea for clarification, a shared moment of confusion amidst the unexpected confrontation.

**"Alfonso questa è la nuova ragazza di cui abbiamo parlato, essendo il suo peculo tutore forse non sono riuscita a spiegarla bene. Mi dispiace, mi assicurerò che non lo ripeta"** blurted Caporaso. His words tumbled out in a rush, asif like a mixture of apology and explanation, as he sought to rectify the misunderstanding.

I caught sight of Kate and Nathan, their expressions frozen in disbelief as they stared at me, seemingly stunned by the unfolding scene. It dawned on me that they likely understood the language being spoken.

"What are you speaking? Will you tell me?" I asked Caporaso, my voice tinged with confusion and a hint of frustration.

"Will you please shut up, Alyssa, for God's sake? I'll explain everything properly today, and make sure you don't repeat this, or else you'll have a great punishment waiting for you," warned Caporaso, his tone firm and unwavering.

"I've never had my dinner so early, and none of you have any right to speak to me in this tone. I'm sorry, professor, but you also have no right to address me in this manner when my own parents have never been so rude. First of all, you dragged me here all the way without my consent, and I'm very sure my parents were against it too. And now, you're just shouting at me over dinner timings. How do you even expect me to stay in such a place?" Tears welled up, tracing a path down my tender cheeks, a silent testament to my frustration and distress.

As I stood there, emotions raw and tears staining my cheeks, I sensed the eyes of everyone in the room upon me. Their gazes held a mix of astonishment and curiosity, as if witnessing a revelation unfolding before them. In that moment, it felt as though  they saw in me the spirit of someone who had conquered the world, if only for a fleeting moment.

"Stop looking at me and please continue with your dinner!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the room, a mixture of frustration and desperation. Without waiting for a response, I turned and hastily made my way out, the weight of the confrontation heavy on my shoulders.

**Translation:Alfonso this is the new girl we spoke about ,being her peculo guardian maybe i couldn't explain her well. I am sorry I will make sure she doesnt repeat this.**

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