Chapter 10 :First punishment

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I burst open the door to my hotel suite, the sudden blast of cold air from the AC unit creating an eerie atmosphere. Tears stream down my face uncontrollably, as I collapse onto the nearest chair, consumed by sorrow. A sudden knock interrupts my despair, prompting me to hastily wipe away my tears and rush to answer the door. To my astonishment, standing before me is Caporaso.

"How come you waited for me to open the door instead of barging in?" Alyssa inquired.

"It's better if you don't show your weakness to anyone, be it a professor, a best friend, or even me, because you know I am a grey-haired, selfish old man," Caporaso remarked. I couldn't help but remember how I explained Caporaso to my parents.

"Anyways, let's come to the serious point," Caporaso began. "As your peculo guardian, I tried to persuade Mr. Alfonso to let you off with a huge punishment, but this doesn't mean you're left off easy. Instead, we've decided to put you in the detention dorm. So, pack your things quickly and evacuate this suite.""

So you were my peculo guardian, but what exactly is this dorm?"

"What is this dorm?" I asked. The dorm appeared chaotic, filled with girls who seemed as fierce as bodybuilder sharks. However, amidst the chaos, I spotted a familiar face—Kate.

"Kate, how are..." I started, but before I could finish, Kate swiftly dodged me and hurried toward Caporaso.

"Professor Caporaso, I'm Kateryna Kent Isabelle, and I'm Alysa's good friend," she declared, extending her hand for a handshake. Caporaso, looking confused, hesitantly lifted his hand and reciprocated the handshake.

Kate appeared extremely excited, as if being touched by her idol celebrity, even if it was just an old man's touch. "Oh my God, I am so honored to meet you, Professor. I wouldn't mind if you talked about me to Lord Thanata," Kate exclaimed, her excitement making her seem like an excited little kid at a park.

Caporaso, ignoring her, turned towards me. "Take a nap, because tomorrow is a big day. Okay then, take care, girls," he said before walking away.

The body builder girl almost resembled a man. If it weren't for the sign labeling it as the "girls' dorm," I would never have guessed they were females. All of them sported a boyish haircut, with circular nose rings and piercings above their eyebrows. Their attire also mirrored that of males.

All of them gazed at me as if they could devour me whole. Even Kate, with her numerous piercings, still retained her feminine appearance amidst the masculine atmosphere of the dorm.

"Oh, this is Alysa Ferro, Professor Caporaso's peculo mentee and my friend," Kate said, nudging me to introduce myself.

"Yeah, hi, I know Kate, but I don't know your names," I replied, looking at the girls expectantly.

"You must be god rich," one of the girls remarked.

"No, I don't even have a penny left, and I'm burdened with a lot of loans to pay off in the real world," I confessed.

"what do you mean you have no money then how did Caporaso become your peculo guardian" asked Kate shockingly.

The atmosphere in the room grew tense as the girl with vivid purple hair boldly proclaimed, "She must have slept with him."

The statement from the girl with purple hair hung heavily in the air, prompting laughter from her two companions—one with fiery orange locks and the other with serene green hair. The pointed ears of the purple-haired girl inadvertently enhanced her resemblance to a character from folklore.

"I don't think Alysa is that kind of girl. Anyway, I'll introduce her to our neighbors," Kate said, halting me before I could unleash my frustration, drawing on all the knowledge she gained from observing the interactions in the dining hall.

"Don't pay them any mind; they're always like that. So, is this your punishment?" Kate asked with a laugh, her hand covering her mouth as if to conceal her amusement.

"Laugh about it, Kate, it's fine. Anyway, what landed you in the detention dorm? As for them," I gestured towards the other girls, "they do seem rather... suited to this environment."

"Oh, me? I played a prank on this guy without realizing his parents were from the Magemenos authority, and that's how I ended up here. I won't ask about your case because I witnessed yours," she chuckled.

"So, who are they?" I inquired.

"Okay, the orange one is Grace, with zero percent grace," Kate explained. "She's here because she hit someone for fun. The purple one is Violet, the most aggressive and the leader of their gang. She's rumored to have killed a girl in her previous dorm. And last but not least, the green one, who resembles Shrek, slapped a professor," she concluded.

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