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                                          chapter: 2

"Exactly! that's what he told, how do you know and what does it mean ?" exclaimed Alyssa with at most curiosity. 

" Worse than death..." Mrs. Ferro stammered.  

"Huh ?" Alyssa was bewildered, she didn't have the slightest idea about the phrase.

" A fate.. worse.. than.. death " gasped Mr. Ferro, with fear reflecting in his shiny blue eyes.

" Will anyone explain what's going on? ," Alyssa questioned.

"Hmm... dr.. drop it, don't .. concern yourself, just go to your room, I and dad want to talk."

"I saw that girl, the cursed girl. She has grown to be a young beautiful girl, her blue eyes as beautiful as the sky. She just reminds me of....."

"Lord Thanata" shrieked a crackling voice from behind the large camouflaging rocks. It was a short man with lobe-like ears reaching his toes and big eyes which seemed like they would pop out any moment, his head looked like a turnip with curly hair swinging around his ears and his clothes seemed like they hadn't been into the laundry for many years.

"When did you come Creeky? Have you seen that kid as well?"

"Yes, I have seen her way closer than you, you have just met her once and that meeting was such a coincidence, but I...I knew about her whereabouts for a long time and I had my eyes fixed on that little kid," said Creeky with his usually different high-pitched voice.

"Wait! How do you know about our meeting, as far as I know, you weren't around at that time. ? You were in Peculous, weren't you?

"My name is Creeky Pseftis, and the Creeky in my name refers to my crackling high pitched voice and the Pseftis in my name means... 'a liar' and that's how I got my name! I wouldn't deny that I thought of telling you about me being in the human world, but as it was an errand given by master Markades himself, I dint want to risk including halfwit like you !" chuckled Creeky in an annoying shrill; which could even awaken the humungous hibernating bear.

"It's so true what people say; A silver-tongued charlatan and a half-wit society are made for each other! When these two come together in an election, a great disaster happens: Charlatan comes to power! Anyways Caporaso fal...gulgul, the kid explained you like a creepy weird man, and..." as Creeky was about to continue, Caporaso intervened correcting him with great exasperation "How many time's to tell you that it's not falgulgul, it's Caporaso Falaguerra if you can't spell my second name why do you even bother to try it ." 

" Yes whatever, why did you have to keep such a knotty name, I wonder how a witless like you can even spell it. So where was I? Oh ya, her so-called parents rephrased your phrase as they stood petrified. I like it! I liked the fear in their eyes and the panic in their words. All they did the whole night was cry, repeating the same words constantly; "Jesus save my child, help her" blah blah. "

"Did you use your damn old tricks to get into that kid's house ?" queried Caporaso 

"It must be old but it is one of the best enchantment, no one can relate to the pain I have had in the past few months being inside an eerie doll, to keep an eye on the Ferro's, and for your kind information it's not a damn old trick, its called the Apsychos soul enchantment, which only very few Peculousians can do. Dim-witted like you, will likely find it impossible to learn the enchantment." gushed Creeky with exaggeration.

" I can't idle away period of time listening to your gibberish, I have much more important things to do, I will take my leave now. You better talk to the walls; no one will anyways stay with you to listen to your bull crap. Goodbye ! " concluded Creeky, as he took a leave he muttered in a whisper "mia moíra cheiróteri apó ton thánato'

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