Chapter 8: A New tour guide

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As I stepped into the colossal hall, a wave of awe washed over me. The entire space was bathed in a golden hue, with majestic chandeliers hanging at regular intervals, casting a warm, ethereal glow. Intricate drawings adorned the ceiling, adding to the grandeur of the scene.

Rows of chairs lined the sides of the hall, each meticulously placed beneath a chandelier as if awaiting the arrival of esteemed guests. The sight was nothing short of breathtaking, reminiscent of a scene from a dream or perhaps a glimpse of paradise itself.

My eyes darted around, trying to make sense of the opulence surrounding me. A podium stood prominently on the stage, a silent sentinel indicating the significance of this place. Was it a venue for grand announcements, or perhaps a stage for momentous events? The answer eluded me, shrouded in the mystery of the hall's splendor.

Lost in contemplation, I was startled by a voice from behind, pulling me back to reality. With a newfound curiosity ignited within me, I turned to face the speaker.

"Ah, Nate, back to playing the tour guide again," a voice from behind remarked with a hint of pity. "Must be exhausting to carry that burden," she added sympathetically.

"Kate, I trust you'll enjoy showing this lady around. I'll excuse myself now," Nathan said, his expression almost betraying a sense of relief as he welcomed another to take over.

I shift my gaze towards the girl and quickly introduce myself, determined not to be referred to as "this lady". "Hello, I'm Alyssa Ferro," I say with a friendly smile.

"Oh, hello. Don't mind him; he's always like this," she reassured with a chuckle. "I'm Kateryna Kent Isabelle, but you can call me Kate. Would you like me to continue as your guide, or would you prefer to explore on your own?"

"Please continue," I urge eagerly, a hint of humor in my tone. "You can't leave me hanging on a cliff, metaphorically speaking. I mean, what is this place?" I ask, my curiosity piqued and a touch of exasperation evident in my voice.

"This is the Aerra Palace, built in honor of the warrior princess Sierra," Kate begins, her voice carrying a reverent tone. "The drawings adorning the ceiling depict the princess alongside her soldiers, capturing moments of valor and triumph."

She leads me through a grand hall, gesturing towards a section adorned with intricate designs. "This is our exclusive selection hall," she explains. "Here, individuals are chosen based on their skills and abilities. Each person receives a Sierra's Stone, which determines their identity and fate." 

Her expression darkens slightly as she continues, "However, not everyone receives a stone. Those who are deemed lacking in skills are left without one, condemned to a perilous existence. Dangers lurk at every turn in Peculous, and those without the means to defend themselves often meet a grim fate."

Kate's narration surged with a contagious enthusiasm, far surpassing Nathan's previous demeanor 

"So, let me get this straight," I interjected, a hint of skepticism coloring my tone. "You're saying that this grand palace was once the residence of a princess? How did she permit it to be transformed into a university? Are the princesses around here known for their generosity?"

Kate's laughter filled the air, rich and unrestrained. "Oh, you really don't know anything, do you?" she chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "This palace wasn't the princess's dwelling; it belonged to her father, Lord Thanata. He's the one who founded this university."

Her laughter faded as she continued, her tone somber. "Princess Sierra's story is a tragic one. She lost her life in an accident while trying to save someone else. And this palace," she gestured around us, "stands as a memorial to her. It was her father's way of honoring her memory."

A wistful sigh escaped Kate's lips as she spoke of the princess's unfulfilled dreams. "You see, Sierra always longed to witness the selection process, but fate had other plans. On the very day she was eagerly anticipating the event, tragedy struck, and she was taken from us."

"How tragic," I murmured, my thoughts lingering on the princess's untimely demise. "She looks so... beautiful, especially with those piercing blue eyes," I added, my voice trailing off in awe.

Suddenly, Kate's finger jabbed in my direction, her expression one of incredulity. "Wait, you have blue eyes too! they're stunning! It's the first time I've seen a girl with blue eyes in person. You must have inherited them from your parents," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with wonder.

"Hmm, no one in my family had blue eyes," I asserted, emphasizing my point with a firm nod. "And believe me, none of my ancestors had anything remotely similar to blue eyes," I added, my tone leaving no room for doubt.

"Wow, then you must be incredibly lucky to be the exception with those blue eyes," Kate remarked, a smile gracing her lips.

"There are thousands of courses and I don't have so much time to tell you about every course, so just tell me what courses you have been alloted by your peculo guardian ?"told Kate.

"Wait what courses and what is a peculo guardian?"

"You don't even know your peculo guardian?What in the world do you even know?, I surely advice you to ask a superior about this "said Kate

"Yea okay ,thankyou so much for the wonderful guide. Good bye!"and off I went to my suit.

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