Chapter 29:7 days a week

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As the host spoke, I straightened up in my seat, feeling a slight improvement in my energy levels, although the fatigue still lingered. The pain persisted, refusing to ease even a fraction.

"The name of the game is '7 days a week'," announced the host. "This is an individual challenge. Essentially, you'll be tasked with completing daily objectives. Your game begins on Sunday and concludes on Saturday. Further instructions and rules will be provided as the game progresses," the automated voice conveyed.

this is the 7th level it will definetly be more challenging.

I listened intently, intrigued by the concept of the game. Despite my lingering weariness, I couldn't help but feel a spark of excitement at the prospect of what lay ahead.

"Go inside any of the doors infront of you and your game will begin and about the time limit you will get to know inside.Hope all of you make it,All the best do well." said the host.

As I entered through the door, it closed firmly behind me with a resounding thud. Before me stood a sprawling building, unmistakably an educational institution—a school. The sight left me feeling disoriented, unsure of how I had ended up here.

Glancing down, I noticed that my attire had changed. A blue and white uniform adorned my body: a crisp white shirt paired with a blue tie, and a blue checkered skirt that seemed unusually short, barely reaching my knees. Surprisingly, I also wore stockings, a detail that puzzled me. Who could have possibly altered my clothing?

Feeling a mix of confusion and apprehension.

Lets focus on the main thing,what is this game?

If this is a school why is it empty?

The security guard looked at me with a puzzled expression, clearly surprised to see someone at the school

" Child, today is Sunday. Why have you come to school? Are you confused?" he inquired, his tone tinged with concern.

I felt a rush of uncertainty as I realized the peculiarity of my situation. Why was I here on a Sunday, and what was the purpose of this unexpected visit to the school?

"'Mister, what is this game about?' I asked him, hoping for some clarity amidst the confusion.

"I suppose you didn't check the calendar; today is Sunday, my dear. Please return home and come back tomorrow," he said, his expression sympathetic.

What's happening? Where am I supposed to go now? Why is he pretending as if nothing is going on?

"Would it seem crazy if I asked where my home is?" I inquire.

"Consider this my advice: halt this prank and return home before I take the matter to the authorities," he said, his gaze intense.

"Yeah, my bad," I mutter as I trudge away, my destination uncertain.

Where do I turn now? Where has everyone disappeared to? My stomach growls, reminding me of its emptiness. Perhaps I should find something to eat.

As I passed by a bakery, the sight of pastries ignited an intense craving within me. Before the rules of the game were established, I reasoned that I could afford a brief respite. Despite the persistent ache in my leg, I knew I had to endure the pain throughout the game. What if there's a need to run? Panic swept over me momentarily. I should have applied something to alleviate the discomfort. The irony wasn't lost on me—I'd injured my dominant hand, my right hand, making even the simplest tasks a challenge. Eating, particularly, posed a significant hurdle. With my foot adding to the ordeal, the situation seemed overwhelming.

Yet, in that moment, the promise of a pastry emerged as a beacon of motivation. "Come on," I encouraged myself, "let's indulge in it."

"Excuse me, may I have a pineapple pastry?" I inquire politely.

"Yes, that'll be $45," the cashier responds matter-of-factly.

"We have to pay? I thought this was just a game, free for all," I express my surprise.

Her response is a look that suggests she thinks I've escaped from a mental hospital.

"Darling, you need to pay if you want to buy something, otherwise, kindly leave," she states bluntly.

Ouch that was rude.

"Please, can't you make an exception? Pretty please," I plead, even resorting to a humble posture, bending down with my legs.

Finally, relief washes over me as someone hands over the money, saying, "Here, keep the change."

Yes, I am getting this food!

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