Chapter 16: 5 Senses

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"The game number 5 is called '5 Senses'," announced host. "The rules are as follows: You should form groups with 5 people, each having separate senses. In one team, there should be 5 people designated with touch/skin, taste/tongue, see/eyes, smell/nose, and hearing/ear as their roles respectively. All the 5 senses should combine to find the exit door to the 6th door."

"You will be opening any door in front of you and moving forward into a forest. As it is a forest, it will obviously have animals ranging from birds to bears and leopards. It may take around nights and days in the forest, but the actual time announcements in the real world will be given from time to time. Whoever cannot find the exit within the time limit will be evacuated immediately."

"The roles are as follows: Touch/skin are the attackers, serving as the main source of protection or shield from the dangers encountered,

"Taste/tongue are the food providers. To survive days and nights in the forests, you require food. Even though it might only be a few hours in the real world, the illusion will make you feel like a day has passed or two,

"See/eyes are the guiders in all senses, whether for an attacker or having a taste. They will be given map infusion.

"Smell/nose can smell the door only if it is close by, as the doors are completely invisible. So, smelling can bring you closer to finding the exit," host added.

"Ear/hear can hear any dangers or any relevant sounds, including the announcements and time left," host concluded, outlining the roles for the game.

"All the senses are equally important for your survival and success in the games. Use them wisely to reach your exit," host emphasized, underlining the significance of each role in the challenge ahead.

"Each of your names will be called along with your roles. Please stay where you are as the doctors will infuse you with your respective roles,"

"Alyssa, Beeko... and lastly, Patrick - See/eyes," called out host, 

"Ella, Jason... and finally, Usaif - Taste/tongue.

Keth, Rachel, Fin... and lastly, Reagen - touch/skin.

Drake, Hieego... and finally, Weasel - Smell/nose.

Eagen, Luis, Hissem... and lastly, George - Ear/hearing," host announced, assigning each participant their respective roles for the game.

"The time limit is 1 hour, and if you exceed it even by a second, you are eradicated from the game. You can use your privilege cards if necessary. You can form your teams in 5 minutes, and the game will begin when I give the order," stated the voice from an unknown source, its origin feeling like an autogenerated voice.

As people began choosing their teams, the sound of moving footsteps filled the air. I couldn't help but feel a pang of anxiety as I realized that no one was selecting me. I was the newcomer here, and everyone seemed already familiar with each other except for me. What if no one chooses me?

"Alarmed, I felt a tug at the fabric of my shirt from behind."

"We're done with our team," the guy declared. He sported a leather jacket and ripped jeans, adorned with a flamingo tattoo on his neck. His eyebrows bore piercings, adding to his edgy appearance. Radiating a charismatic charm, he effortlessly drew everyone's attention towards him. I couldn't help but wonder if all the guys were contractually obligated to be handsome before coming here. His hair was styled in a messy textured crop, with shorter strands on the sides and back, and slightly longer, tousled locks on top, giving him an effortlessly rugged look.

He pulled me along as if I were a mouse being held captive by its tail. Despite feeling a bit overwhelmed, I couldn't help but feel relieved that I had finally been chosen for a team.

"Let's begin introducing ourselves along with our roles. Start with you, Tomato," he directed his attention towards a plump guy with red cheeks, who indeed resembled a tomato. I couldn't help but wonder if this guy spoke like this normally or if it was a trend here to be somewhat brusque.

"I... I am Eagen Bawlrod, and I can hear," stammered Eagen, introducing himself hesitantly.

"I am Drake Heso, and I can smell," declared Drake, his presence commanding attention with his imposing stature, resembling that of a sumo wrestler. With his remarkably long hair, he seemed like a force to be reckoned with, making me question my own usefulness in the team.

"Hi, guys, I'm Ella Juniper, and I can taste. I'll be your food provider, so I hope you take care of me," greeted Ella, her demeanor delicate and gentle. With braids interjected with flowers and tender pink cheeks, she exuded an undeniable prettiness. However, I couldn't help but notice her frequent admiring glances towards the rude guy. She seemed quite taken with him.

As everyone's attention turned towards me, I cleared my throat nervously. "Oh, I am Alyssa Ferro, I have the sight" I managed to say, feeling a bit self-conscious under their scrutiny.

"Keth Kevinsky... touch," he announced, his words carrying an aura of confidence and authority.

He kind of suits for his role though.

"We have to win, or else you guys are done, you get me, Tomato?" he threatened, his tone laced with a hint of menace.

"Y-yes," Eagen stammered, clearly feeling the weight of the threat.

"Time's up," declared the automated voice.

"Your game begins in 3... 2... 1..."

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