Chaptrer 30:Illusion

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Turning around, I see Nathan, and a wave of gratitude floods me.

"Nathan, it's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you so much for the pastry," I express with genuine gratitude and happiness evident in my eyes.

However, Nathan seems to ignore my words, as he always does, and simply takes the pastry into his hand.

"Hey, isn't that mine?" I protest.

He looks at me quizzically and asks, "Who paid for this?"

"You did," I reply innocently.

"So, isn't this mine then?" he counters.

Before I could unleash my frustration and tears over the pastry, I spot Kate.

"Don't do that to my girl. What do you want, Lyssa? I'll buy it for you," she intervenes.

"Why can't your cousin be more like you?" I retort sarcastically, shooting a glance at Nathan.

"Well, since the pineapple pastry was devoured by an anaconda, let's go with strawberry," I suggest.

"Please give us a strawberry pastry and a pepperoni sandwich for me," Kate orders.

We find a table and I shoot daggers at Nathan as he indulges in my pineapple pastry.

"You're in trouble, Nathan," I seethe inwardly.

"I didn't realize you guys were here too," I say with a relieved smile.

"Yep, we came for some pastries. We were starving," Kate replies.

"Kate, you're my savior. I've fallen for your impeccable timing," I say, chuckling.

"Ah, Princess Alyssa, I am honored," she replies, joining in the laughter.

"Jokes aside, I meant, are you both in the game too? Or have you seen anyone else here?" I inquire, curiosity shining in my eyes.

"Lyssa, hunger seems to be making you babble. Are you alright, love?" she asks, concerned.

"No, Kate, why is everyone pretending like they don't know this is a game?" I press, frustration creeping into my voice.

"Oh, my dear baby, don't worry, the food is on its way," Kate reassures me.

I glance at Nathan, hoping for some understanding, but he regards me as if I've lost my mind.

Why doesn't anyone else realize this is a game? Is it all just an illusion? It must be.

"Kate, do you happen to know where I live?" I inquire.

"Lyssa, what's happening? You live with me in the dorm, and this morning, you vanished. Now, I see you're here in your school uniform on a Sunday. Something's not right. What's going on with you?" Kate's concern is evident in her voice.

"Hmm, but the game brought me here," I offer in response.

Nathan rises from his seat and moves to a nearby table. This cold, indifferent jerk never misses an opportunity to put me down.

"Here's the pastry. Eat it and become your normal self again, my hungry baby," Kate says, offering the treat.

The pastry suddenly seems more important to me than anything else. Holding the spoon with my right hand proves to be a tricky task, given my injury. I realize Nathan is staring at the open scar on my palm. This guy is too mean; I know he'd have the audacity to make fun of me. So, I awkwardly maneuver the pastry with my left hand, causing it to wobble and spill everywhere. But oh, my great God, it tastes like heaven. Everything tastes so much better in peculous. 

"Lyssa, how did you injure yourself so badly? I noticed you couldn't walk properly. What happened?" Kate inquired with concern.

"It's because of the previous game; I got injured there," I replied.

"Something's definitely wrong. I don't understand you. Let's go back to the dorm and dress your wound," Kate suggested, her worry evident.

After our meal, we strolled down the street toward the dorm.

Upon reaching the dorm, Kate bid farewell to Nathan, that jerk, and we headed to our room.

To my surprise, my roommates were the same as in the real world: me, Kate, and the bodybuilder girls.

I tried my best to convince Kate that this was all a game, but it seemed like she forgot everything whenever I mentioned it. It was as if this was just my illusion, and none of them were real. Whenever I talked about the game or tried to explain, they seemed to forget about it the very next second. It felt like I had to start the conversation from scratch every time.

"Okay, let's focus on completing the game; they're just distractions or illusions," I remind myself.

I wonder why there are no tasks today; it's already dawn. Perhaps they'll announce them at night.

"Lyssa, we're going to the star shower. Will you come with me?" Kate asks.

"Who's 'we'?" I inquire.

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