Chapter 13:Die in hell

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Nathan and his friends arrived and took seats just opposite to us, causing a stir among the surrounding students, especially the girls, who couldn't seem to take their eyes off them. I couldn't help but feel self-conscious under their gaze, a sharp contrast to my usual demeanor of wholeheartedly indulging in food. Surprisingly, I found myself eating more modestly than usual, aware of the attention directed our way.

"Oh yeah, this is Aiden Merchant and Tyson Acker, and you know Nat," Kate introduced Nathan and his friends with a nonchalant tone, though her eyes betrayed a hint of amusement at the attention they garnered. "Them being the heartthrobs, and guys, this is my friend and currently my roommate, Alyssa Ferro," she added as she gestured towards me.

Both guys were tall and well-built, Tyson with his golden eyes and black hair, and Aiden with his black eyes and golden, messy hair. Their striking features seemed almost too perfect, like a match made in heaven. I couldn't help but giggle at the thought, marveling at the contrast between their appearances.

"Why do you both look like that? Didn't you sleep last night? What were you so busy about, sleeping with different girls in one night that you had to run to each of them?" Kate asked, her smirk betraying her amusement as she teased Nathan and his friends.

"No, not this time. Last night, we watched 'Watchhouse,' the whole series. It was so worth the time. But guess what? They don't end up together. Aiden literally cried like a baby. You had to see it, Kate," Tyson shared with a laugh, his tone filled with camaraderie as he recounted their evening entertainment.

"Poor Aiden, indeed. Anyways, how in the universe did the God Nathan watch a romantic series? Unbelievable!" exclaimed Kate, her incredulity evident as she directed a playful jab at Nathan.

"Nah, he sat and locked himself in a room, listening to his music while we watched. Next time, Kate, you are also invited, and you can even bring your friend..." said Aiden, his gaze lingering on me, a hint of invitation in his eyes.

"Alysa "I completed.

"Kate, how was your night, though?" Tyson inquired

Nathan remained silent, as he often did, listening to the conversation without actively participating, his presence a silent yet notable presence in the room.

"Mine was great, but Lysa had a bad night. She kept weeping the whole night while sleeping, as if she has hidden all the pain within her gleaming eyes, and the pain spilled out without her permission, and..." Before she could complete her sentence, I abruptly cut her off, not wanting to delve into the details of my emotional turmoil.

"Kate, don't we have to eat quickly to be there by 7:20, though?" I interjected, reminding her of the time constraint.

I sighed in relief after successfully changing the topic, but as I turned back to face the front, I noticed Nathan staring at me, his gaze unwavering and intense.

As Nathan's gaze remained fixed on me, I couldn't help but wonder about his intentions. Was he concerned about why I was crying, or was it simply his habit to intimidate someone? His expression gave nothing away, leaving me to ponder his motives in silence.

Relieved by Nathan's sudden shift in attention, I returned to my meal, grateful for the reprieve from his intense gaze.

As we finished our lunch, we hurried towards Aerra Palace and joined the line, with Kate to my left and Nathan to my right. As I glanced at Nathan, I couldn't help but notice how good he looked. His side profile, with his sharp jawline, seemed to exude a certain allure that caught my attention in a new light.

As Tyson stood behind Kate and Aiden to her left, they were engrossed in their conversation, leaving me feeling bored as I waited for Kate to turn towards me. The anticipation of what lay ahead at the Aerra Palace was overshadowed by the monotony of the wait.

Should I just talk to Nathan? Wait, this is so awkward. Why isn't Nathan saying anything? Should I start?

"Hmm, hi. Meeting again!," I smiled, hoping to break the silence and receive a response.

He moved ahead of me to the front row and flashed a thumbs-up sign, signaling his acknowledgment before taking his place in the line.

wow should I be relieved that he didn't completely ignore me?

Even for such a small thing, I notice girls staring at me as if they're going to eat me alive.

Now that I see his back profile, it's commendable—neatly coiffed collar, impeccably brushed hair, and a uniform pressed to perfection. I mean, his back profile alone is enough to make girls fall for him.

What am I thinking about? I've lost my mind. I shouldn't forget why I'm here in Peculous. I have to find my parent's murderers and the reason behind their death before I give away my life. Right now, that's the only goal of my life. Whoever it is, I'll make sure you die in hell.

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