Chapter 26: Vengeful deity.

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Eagen's swift success left everyone stunned, their disbelief palpable as they watched him effortlessly arrange the strings and trigger the buzzer. With the door to level 7 swinging open before their eyes, a sense of urgency swept over me. "Oh no!" I thought, realizing I needed to step up my game and quickly catch up to Eagen's pace. Time was of the essence, and I couldn't afford to fall behind. With renewed determination, I prepared myself for the challenges that lay ahead in level 7.

With a silent acknowledgment, I conveyed my admiration for Eagen's swift accomplishment. His nod in response indicated that he understood my unspoken sentiment.

As he approached me, his whispered advice sparked a revelation. "High note vibrates more and vice versa," he murmured cryptically. It dawned on me that this was indeed a hint—a valuable clue that could streamline my approach to solving the puzzle.

Realizing the significance of his words, I carefully tested each string, noting the intensity of their vibrations. The string that resonated the most was likely the E(h)string, indicating its position among the higher-numbered strings.

Armed with this newfound strategy, I began my systematic exploration, starting from the higher-numbered strings and working my way backward. With Eagen's guidance echoing in my mind, I felt a surge of confidence as I tackled the challenge before me.

With newfound determination coursing through me, I silently expressed gratitude to Eagen for his invaluable advice.

Now, with a glimmer of hope, I set my sights on seizing the opportunity to mount the creature. Despite the looming threat of violence from the frenzied crowd, I refused to be deterred.

No longer content to be passive, I propelled myself forward, jostling past the others in my quest to claim my rightful place. As chaos erupted around me, I summoned every ounce of resolve and agility, using the tumult to my advantage.

In a bold move, I planted my foot on someone's face, using it as a makeshift stepping stone to vault onto the creature's back. With a surge of adrenaline, I began my systematic exploration of the strings, starting from the highest numbered one and working my way backward.

Despite the chaos and adversity, I was determined to succeed, fueled by the newfound sense of empowerment that coursed through me.

As the tone in the speaker shifted and the creature's demeanor changed, a chilling realization washed over me—the target was no longer the girl with the "G" tag but me, identified by the "EL" string. With a violent thrash, the creature bucked, hurling me from its back with a force that sent me crashing to the ground.

Summoning every ounce of strength, I fought to regain my footing amidst the chaos. With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I propelled myself forward, my injured foot throbbing with each step. The relentless pursuit of the creature spurred me onward, its lightning-fast movements closing in on me with terrifying speed.

Desperate to fend off the relentless predator, I hurled whatever objects I could find in a frenzied attempt to slow its advance. But the excruciating pain in my foot, compounded by the bruises and wounds from previous trials, threatened to overwhelm me.

With every ounce of willpower, I pushed myself onward, dragging my injured foot behind me as I raced for my life. The stakes were higher than ever, and failure was not an option. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against me, I refused to yield, driven by an indomitable spirit to survive at any cost.

The sheer fury in the creature's eyes sent shivers down my spine, as if I were nothing more than a sacrificial offering to a vengeful deity.

Exhaustion weighed heavily upon me as I stumbled through the relentless pursuit, every step a battle against fatigue. Collapsing over a stray chair, I watched in horror as the demon lunged toward me, sinking its teeth into my palm. Agony tore through me as I tried in vain to push it away, only to be met with relentless pain.

Then, a sudden shift—the tone in the speaker changed, and the creature recoiled, leaving my hand dripping with its viscous saliva and my palm stained with blood. Despite the searing pain and the overwhelming bruises that now covered my body, I knew I had no choice but to press on.

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