Chapter 14:UNO universe

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The bell rings, and I hear Vincent Pierre's voice saying, "Please close the doors."

"I hope everyone's made it in," said Caporasso.

"Here in Peculous, the Sierra's Stone is your lifeline. If you don't obtain one, you'll be enslaved by the higher order and tortured until you take your own life. There have been numerous cases where individuals were forced into exhausting tasks that drained them to the point of stopping their hearts. Therefore, the Sierra's Stone represents your health. Without it, you receive no guidance on survival, and ultimately, you perish," explained Caporasso.

At this point, my sole focus is to acquire the stone and press forward. I must swiftly uncover the truth about my parent's death.

"So, the question now is how to obtain a Sierra's Stone? Essentially, it's as simple as playing a game. I'm sure everyone knows about UNO, a card game. All you have to do is play UNO, and you'll earn the Sierra's Stone. The rules will be explained to you later, but first, you need to choose your grid. The lights will dim for 10 minutes, and only square grids will be visible. Whichever square grid you step on, you will be assigned to that grid. Each box can accommodate only 10 members. The box will show red if it's full; otherwise, it will be green," continued Caporasso.

Suddenly, Kate grasped my hands tightly, and the lights flickered off. In the darkness, the boxes were filling rapidly, their color shifting to red. I couldn't see anything except the glow of the boxes in the pitch-black surroundings.

Kate grasps my hand tightly, and without a word, she begins to run in a particular direction. Following her lead, we sprint together until we finally reach a stop, standing on a box

"Yes, guys, time's up," a voice announced.

As the lights flickered back on, I glanced around, noticing Kate doing the same. Aiden and Tyson were in two adjacent boxes to the right. They exchanged confused glances, mirroring my own bewilderment.

"Those idiots! OMG, they're so dumb," Kate exclaimed in frustration. "I told them to come to the first right box, and those fools moved to the other right ones."

"You didn't specify, though. You know how dumb they can get," Nathan replied, concern evident in his voice as he defended his friends.

Nathan, Kate, and I found ourselves in the same box, huddled together as we exchanged exasperated glances at the confusion caused by a misunderstanding.

"And luckily, all of you have chosen your light grid, so let's begin the game by distributing the number cards first. Since there are 10 of you in each grid, and as you know UNO has 10 number cards each and distribution will be likewise, the special cards like +4, +2, skip, reverse,colour changes and  a trump card swap will be given to any 6 purely based on luck in each grid. These cards are privilege cards and will help you a lot. The cards will appear next to your respective name badges," explained Caporasso.

As everyone's cards began appearing next to their badges, I nervously checked mine. To my dismay, I had drawn an eight. Kate got a four, and Nathan received a zero. Why did I get such a high number? They're going to have it easier than me. Fear gripped me as I contemplated why I had drawn such a daunting card.

Caporasso said, "Now that everyone has their Uno cards, please stand next to your designated number compartments in the far corner."

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