Chapter 33:We are late!

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We reached our dorm, and to our surprise, the girls were already asleep, even though they usually don't go to bed without pissing me. So, we moved quietly to avoid making any noise and lay down on our beds.

Sleep is much sweeter after so many battles, almost like paradise.

Is it okay to rest now, or am I missing something?

"Lyssa, wake up!" shouted Kate.

"Why? What happened?" I asked.

"Don't you want to go to school? Come on, move your ass fast. I have a feeling we're going to be late."

I take a bath and get ready in my uniform in just 20 minutes, but traveling takes 15 minutes, so we'll still be 5 minutes late.

"Run!" I shout.

I can't be late. Who knows if this is a rule, or if I'll get disqualified? Oh, sorry, there's no such thing as being disqualified here—it simply means death.

No way am I going to die after coming this far. I will face death only after I find all the answers to my questions.

We start running, catch a bus, and somehow squeeze into the fully packed vehicle with our faces pressed against the windows.

We see Keth running to catch the bus, but it leaves without him. It was the funniest thing, watching him run his ass off only to miss it again.

"I wonder if his bike has gone on a picnic, or maybe it left him just like the bus did," I say, giggling.

Kate laughs out loud and shouts out the window, "Look who's running to catch something that will never be his! Run faster, Keth, you might catch this bus one day!"

We both burst into laughter.

Keth gave us a death stare while we laughed like two drunk men on the main street.

It was a great sight for a rough start to the morning.

We get off the bus and hurry towards the school gate, only to find the teacher waiting to punish students like us.

"Sir, please," I plead, "I'm going to be late for the game. Please, let us go. This won't happen again, I promise."

"Oh, so coming to school is a game for you?" he retorted. "This shows how seriously you take your exams. Stand here, with your hands up," he ordered, glaring at us.

"Sir..." Kate began to plead, but he walked away, muttering something that was definitely about girls like us.

"Lyssa, you dumb-headed crack head, why did you say that?" she scolded, hitting me and starting to jab my back, bending my body.

"Ouch! I'm sorry, please stop!" I cried out.

Suddenly, we both looked up to see Keth striding confidently towards us, laughing and mocking us with his aura.

As he attempted to sneak through the back gate, to his surprise, a teacher was waiting for him. The teacher promptly spanked Keth's head, causing Kate and me to burst into laughter.

In the next moment, all three of us stood together, hands up in the air, sharing in the hilarity of the situation.

Kate and I exchanged a glance and burst into laughter.

"At least we laughed so much after ages," Kate remarked.

"Exactly," I agreed, glancing at Keth who was sulking at us with his intimidating stare. Honestly, it scared me a lot because he sometimes behaves like a gangster. Let me rephrase he always behaves like a gangster.

Wait distractions apart,I can't be late.

"Sir, please, it's already been 20 minutes. Please, let us go, sir. We promise we won't do this again. I beg you, sir, this is my first time," I pleaded, my voice trembling as though I were about to cry.

"Okay, this is the last warning I'm giving you. Go directly to class and don't wander around," he said sternly.

We begin to move, but the teacher interrupts.

"Hey, I didn't tell you to move man. Stand here until I say so," the teacher commands.

"But..." Keth starts to say.

"No 'buts,' just stand here until I tell you to," the teacher interrupts firmly.

We laugh and then dash to our class, only to find some kind of commotion unfolding inside.

"Girls, you're late. We have a quiz going on, so you'll be given less time than the others. Hurry up and take your seats. I'll come and explain the quiz to you," the teacher announced.

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