Chapter 4 : A Bloody night

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"It's been three months since we moved here,  all I could do is talk to myself, not a single human other than us here, leave a human, not even a vehicle passes around here, this shack is so shabby and compact, not even enough space to breathe. dad on a serious note have you guys committed a crime or something and are we running away from the cops? " Alyssa asked 

" Honey just don't worry and you don't need to know everything, and we are doing everything for your sake, so don't ask any other question. Have your dinner soon and go to bed early today " Mr. Ferro instructed. 

"Dad I can't go to bed early because it...." before Alyssa could even complete her phrase Mrs. Ferro shouted " Shhh don't shout Alyssa, what if someone hears"

"Mama firstly, do you even think there is someone to hear in this isolated place, and secondly now I can't even speak with freedom? , honestly, it's boring with you guys here, now seriously you guys are daunting me out!" said Alyssa with a spark of disappointment on her face.

"Okay let's play taboo only for an hour, understand? " told Mrs. Ferro 

They didn't realize when the time passed so fast that it was already half-past eleven.

"It's already half past eleven let's pack up and go to sleep" warned  Mrs. Ferro

"Mama just thirty more minutes to twelve, why are you guys acting like this ?, I wish, you as parents could be a little more considerate about me,  I have coped up with you guys all these months so please, can you guys be cooperative and love me at least at this day?" cried Alyssa

"Alyssa we have loved you every day and you are the one to be cooperative now because we are doing everything for your well-being "shouted Mrs. Ferro.

"Is this nagging called your love then I am sorry I don't want your love it's high time, if u don't tell me what is happening then I will leave you guys and run away to the countryside and I am serious" replied Alyssa.

There were tears in Alyssa's eyes which meant that she did have the thought of running away. Not to deny the fact that even Mr. and Mrs. Ferro thought that the secret had to be let out now.

"Alyssa, you are not doing anything like that, understand? We'll tell you everything, everything started before you were born. So,  it is about at least...." before Mrs. Ferro could go any further, BOOM there was a large blast and Alyssa felt a push in her tummy as if someone grasped her tightly. There was blood splash on her face, she looked towards her parents in terror only to see them lying dead faint under a large car.

"Mama, Dad " screamed Alyssa with tears flooding down her tender cheeks, she wanted to run to them but she was tightly held by something or someone, but who was it?

She turned back to see a black-hooded man, it was the same man she had met a couple of days ago, he was Caporaso Falaguerra, he slowly let her from his grasp and said with a mild and comforting voice " 3...2...1... Happy birthday child".

Alyssa's eyes gleamed with terror, she had many questions which were left unanswered, at the same time she didn't have any time to get frightened as she had to save her parents...she ran to them holding them in her arms, pleading to wake up at once. She kept giving them jerks to make them open their eyes.

"Mama, dad please open your eyes. I am sorry I will never leave you guys so let's drop the act. Please!" cried Alyssa with her voice filled with the urge to not let them die, her eyes were red and her face had bloodstains.

"They will not open their eyes because this is what happens when you go against your words, I am sorry to say child but, they are dead and will never open their eyes. Only if they hadn't made the wrong decision they would have been alive today. Don't cry child and let the past leave no scars ." said  Caporaso with concern in his eyes.

"Just shut up, you are not the one to decide their death " shouted Alyssa with fright in her eyes as she didn't want to lose her parents.

"I am sorry kid but their fate can not be changed, I have never allowed anyone to shout at me so don't forget this is the last time you are shouting at me, so do it how much ever you want as it's the only opportunity. Don't worry kid you will just do fine without them" said Caporaso in a convincing manner as though he was sure about it.

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