Chapter 6 :Clouds of memories

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what? everything is back at its place? was it all a nightmare? but where are Mama and Dad? 

" Mama, Dad" yelled Alysa looking out for a reply, chasing around the house briefly. Only to be back to the reality 

Mama and Dad are nowhere, the truck.., the glass pieces, the windows, and the blood stains .... No mess at all? but everything was back to itself as if nothing ever happen

she heard the voice of her mama mumbling her name with care and warmth, and she ran outside following the faint voice. The universe had offered her the clouds of memories, her childhood running in front of her eyes among the foggy clouds, as if her parents were telling her to preserve the memories together as a strength rather than pain and weakness. Like they were telling her to move to the next chapter of life without turning back and not feel alone as they will always be around her either as nonexistent entities or in her memory.

She understood everything but she didn't want to be the mature one to accept the truth, after all, she was only 19. still wishing to sleep in her mother's arms and hide under her dad's t-shirt when life is messed up.

In a sudden split of a second, she was at school where everyone was sympathizing with her loss, Alysa was perplexed as to what was happening to her. Her friend Drizel tenderly stroked her back with tears in her eyes,  evoking a sense of comfort and security. " Lysa I can't take away your pain but I want you to know that I'm here for you, and you are loved," tells Drizel sorrowfully.  her homeroom teacher comes to her and lends a comforting hug "Let go of the past and move on dear"

The next moment it was Uncle Ruz's house with her only annoying cousin Matteo all serious and trying to console her for her misery. The situation just added to Alysa's puzzling mind when Uncle Ruz gently caressing her hair, tells her" Lysa never feel alone as your dad always wanted you to be loved, and be brave, if your dad had to tell you something today it would be to stay strong and move on with limitless confidence and courage to bring life to a better position."

All of their comforting words made her come back to her senses to accept the truth that she had to lead the proceeding years of life without her parents, she had to be strong enough to not give up. She thanked Uncle Ruz and Matteo for their soothing and kind words

"But uncle I have been getting teleported to various places; first my house then school and now here...and everyone keeps coming to me and telling me to move on...the same words again and again. When and how do you all know that Mama and Dad..., I am very confused right now uncle"  wept Alyssa with shiny tears rolling down her withered cheeks.

"That's because you are doing it, you want us to be with you," told Uncle Ruz with a warm smile on his face.

"What do u mean? I don't get you uncle " muddled Alysa 

"Just wake up dear everything will be alright remember your mom and dad always loved you, never be disheartened ,they say they love you ,kid" said uncle with a reassuring spark on his face.

" Is there any update about the girl ? Why don't I get to see her around ." questions Markades 

" Sir she has almost come to the end of the wall of periods , she will soon be released into the headquarters for a complete look through " informs Caporaso with a smirk.

" How many hours is she offered? Those eyes suffused with curiosity and adventure should wake up soon." told Markades twitching his left eye with a smirk.

" Sir she has been offered 48 hours , she still has an hour to go. I am sure she is going to love this place "

" Gosh! two days ? she is definitely a big budget for lord Thanata. The girl is lucky to have lord Thanata by her side, but got to agree she will soon love this place. I have bestowed my trust on you to have you guide her . All the very best gentleman. Now you can disappear from my site , I am busy enough to have this conversation continue any longer ,got to change a lot of furniture in my management chamber" Tells Markades departing towards his chamber.

" I will take my leave . I will surely keep you updated about any new notices .For now lets hope she gets comfortable around here " tells Caparaso with a bright smile flashing on his face.

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