Chapter 17:Reality check

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"Cueing the start with a robotic precision, the automated voice announced, 'Your game begins in 3... 2... 1... Go.'"

We dashed toward the door looming ahead, pushing it open to reveal a vibrant expanse of greenery, unmistakably a forest. At that moment, the map materialized before me as if it infused with my sight, unfolding within my mind's eye.

"Eyes, tell the map details, quick!" Keth shouted, locking his gaze onto me.

I expect him  to remeber the names atleast.

"Alright, fetch me a piece of paper and a pen," I requested, my tone resolute.

"This isn't your living room, it's a damn forest! Get a grip and think practically, you fool!" Keth bellowed, his frustration boiling over.

"Ouch, calling me a fool is rather rude of you. Regardless, locate a rock for me," I replied, maintaining composure despite the insult.

I began sketching roughly on the bark of the pine tree, my movements hurried yet deliberate.

"Then the cross mark indicates where we'll locate the exit," declared Keth, his voice resolute.

"But why does it seem so straightforward?" inquired Ella, her curiosity piqued.

Her question was met with complete silence, as if it had been swallowed by the surrounding forest.

"Let's get moving. Alyssa, lead the way," commanded Keth, taking charge with authority.

I felt a surge of happiness as Keth finally called my name.

 Taking the lead, I guided the group according to the map. We moved past the dense bushes, following the route marked on the map.

Time slipped away as we continued our journey on foot, the steady rhythm of our steps echoing through the quiet forest.

"Let's take a break; I'm exhausted," Ella declared, her breath coming out in huffs as she spoke.

"You're tired already, and we've barely covered a quarter of the distance? Come on, let's push a bit further before we rest," Drake suggested.

We pressed on, though I couldn't shake the guilt of seeing Ella struggle. She was delicate, and her huffs weighed heavily on my conscience as we forged ahead.

 "W-Wait, I can hear something," Eagen stammered, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"What do you hear? Anything specific?" I inquired

"I can hear insects, not just one or two, but many of them converging," Eagen responded

"Stop being foolish; it's a forest, of course, there are insects. Let us know if it's something more significant," Keth shouted, his impatience evident in his tone.

"Keth, shut up. Eagen, from which direction are you hearing it?" I interjected, trying to maintain focus amidst the tension.

 Following his gesture. Turning to Keth, I fixed him with a stern glare. "Keth, come and shield us," I commanded, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

"Are you serious? You can't keep jumping at every sound in the forest; obviously, there are insects. Don't start saying you can hear the wind next and expect me to shield you," Keth retorted, his frustration evident in his tone.

"Keth, just this once, let's trust each other. It's the only way we can succeed," I implored

"It's coming towards us. I..I.. I think we need to run," Eagen urged.

"Ouch! It's a swarm of honeybees!" Ella screamed in terror, her voice echoing through the forest.

As we sprinted through the swarm, I felt the relentless onslaught of the bees, their stings leaving bruises and welts across my body. These were no ordinary honey bees; wherever their venomous stingers struck, blood began to flow. I winced as they attacked my lips, tears of blood streaming down my face. Keth remained unscathed, his shield protecting him, but Eagen and Ella were not as fortunate, blood spatters marking their struggle against the relentless assault.

That was the moment when the reality of the game hit us like a thunderbolt. The pain we felt was not just a fleeting sensation; it was real, tangible, and searing. With each bruise, each drop of blood, we came to grips with the harsh truth that this game was more than just a simulation—it was a brutal test of survival where every injury, every wound, was painfully real.

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