Chapter 32:All getting too real

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The game seems to be a mystery, and it's unclear what its exact nature is. I seem to be struggling to understand it, while the others around me may not even be aware that they're participating in it. It's possible that the game involves challenges, tasks, or illusions that are presented to the players, but without clear instructions or rules, it's difficult to determine its purpose or objectives.

As for whether the others have made it until Saturday or if I am the only one who couldn't figure out the game, it's uncertain. 

"I hadn't realized, as I followed them, that I was on the main road with vehicles passing by. This scene brought back memories of my parent's accident. Quickly, I stepped back and attempted to pull Kate to help me cross the road, but I missed her. The horrifying incident replayed in front of my eyes, making it difficult to breathe. Hastily, I reached for my water bottle and took a few sips before succumbing to a panic attack, causing me to lose consciousness."

"Forget Alyssa, think about something else and just cross," I say to myself, attempting to muster courage.

But I find myself unable to follow through.

I glance up to see that they've nearly crossed, except for Nathan, who turns back, his gaze fixed on me, intensifying the embarrassment of being unable to cross a simple road at 19 years old.

"Water," Nathan interjects suddenly. When did he return? His presence catches me off guard.

"What?" I ask, bewildered.

"Get me water," Nathan repeats, his tone impatient.

The god Nathan is asking for water that too from my bottle .

"But you don't use anyone else's..." I begin to protest, but before I can finish, he snatches the bottle from me and spills the water on his shoe.

What else was I expecting? I need to regain my composure. Of course, this man would treat it as waste water.

He proceeds to move ahead, while I remain frozen with fear about how to cross. Slowly, he retraces two steps, a phone in hand.

"Did you bring your mattress?" Nathan asks.

"Nope, why should I?" I retort.

"Because I thought you were planning to sleep here. Was I wrong?" he responds.

This man is really getting on my nerves.

"Yes, Alyssa, you can do it. Go with Nathan, and he will help you cross the road," I encourage myself.

I begin to walk slowly, and to my surprise, Nathan, usually fast-paced, matches my speed, pretending to be engrossed in his phone as if it were a distraction for him.

Did Nathan come back for me? This jerk does have a heart. He doesn't want to embarrass me in front of everyone, so he's not so bad.

Oh, come on, Alyssa. This is an illusion. In reality, this guy is nothing less than a cold-hearted jerk.

"Nathan, man, how come you're behind us today?" Tyson asks.

His gaze locks with mine, and he stares at me before replying with his eyes fixed on me.

"I was texting Dad," he says.

Did he notice I was panicking and came to me to ask for water just to avoid showing he came to help me? Wow, illusions are truly fake.

But I can't always rely on someone's help. I need to learn to handle things on my own. I wonder when things will get better. Should I seek treatment? Well, no, I don't think so. I know these attacks will subside one day.

As we walk, we come to a halt next to a juice vending machine.

"I want a coke!" Kate shouts.

"Then I'll have an orange presso," I state.

Aiden hands me my drink, and we all cheer, although it's clear Nathan was coerced into participating. I notice his eyes fixed on me, as if he thinks I'm an alien from another world and he's trying to figure out what I look like.

"Wow, this drink tastes so much better here. This game sure knows how to use food as a distraction," I sigh.

"Did you say something?" Tyson inquires.

"Oh, did I say it out loud?" I quickly close my mouth.

"There's no use in saying it aloud because you all forget anyway if I mention anything about the game. Not your fault; it's just how the game is," I explain, taking a sip of my drink.

I glance up to see Nathan staring at me again, as if he wants to ask me something.

"Tell me," I prompt, urging him to speak.

But he just turns away, ignoring me, as he always does

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