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                                  chapter 3

"I am back master Merkades !" hesitated Creeky.

A masked man turned towards Creeky furiously "Shut up you dumb, can't you see I am busy with my makeup right now". He had a peculiar face with bright eyes as if it were filled with diamonds. He had yellow hair which was neatly combed to the right, and his lips were as red as cherries.

"Sorry master! but it's about that girl" stumbled Creeky

"Oh so finally you are done with my errand! I thought I had to send someone to help out fools like you, continue I am listening, don't take this as an opportunity to waste my time, only if there is some solid information you can continue or else you know where the exit is!"

"Master ! the girl is turning 19 in three months and two days from now! The girl is just like Lord Thanata and the girl is so clueless about Peculous that she doesn't have the slightest idea about what turns her life will take after her nineteenth birthday. The girl doesn't fit to be here, master! She doesn't have anything unique in her, which would make her eligible to come here, I don't think she is even...." before Creeky could complete his phrase there was a large thud and gush of blood flowing from his knee.

"Irritating! had to do this to shut you! to your notice, no one is unique, we make them unique. I agree to some point that this girl is clueless and doesn't have anything in particular except the dark mark on her neck, but once she comes here we will make her the girl we want to see, we will bring the change in her in such a way that she would be stronger and wilder than before, that little ordinary kid will turn into the adult with extraordinary courage and power to fight her rivals,  so bring the girl to Peculous on her nineteenth birthday without any inconvenience and delay."

"Yes, master" stumbled Creeky holding his knee to stop the flow of blood.

 Let me finish my makeup for my photo shoot at managements quarters as I am being appointed the new chairman of managements of magemenos, with these looks I must have been in the theatre but due to my commitment and sincerity towards the great university of magemenos I am sacrificing my charm, you must learn something from your master Creeky, Now dismiss you fool, you don't want to lose your knee. Do you?" screamed Merkades making Creeky stutter in fright.

" Sweety it's time for school! quickly wake up and brush your teeth "went on Mrs. Ferro as she pulled the blankets and switched off the ac

"Mama no pls, let me just skip classes today! give back my blanket.." replied Alyssa sluggishly

" No dear, anyways in a few months your not gonna be here anymore, I don't want you to regret not spending time in school with friends, teachers. So better don't fritter away time! you will never know what happens" mumbled Mrs. Ferro as she pulled Alyssa by her hand and tidied her hair.

"What? who's going to go where ? and why would I regret it? I am gonna anyways study in the same college, isn't it ?.. I am not going anywhere ri..right ?" hesitated, Alyssa

" Your dad will be soon be explaining it to you, so forget it and go take a shower before your bus arrives "

Alyssa got off her bed and went to the shower, all she could think of was about what was bothering her parents since yesterday. Alyssa hurried to have her breakfast as she was running out of time but suddenly there was a loud honk outside and Alyssa ran out with her bag, Mrs. Ferro came running behind her with a neck scarf. Alyssa got into the bus and Mrs. Ferro quickly put on the neck scarf onto her neck and whispered " Cover your neck no matter what, don't let anyone see your neck, you understand right? as she tidied her collar.

"I really can't understand you. Can I? Don't worry mamma I will not show anyone my neck" exclaimed, Alyssa.

The bus doors slowly closed with a loud thud.

 "I hope everyone's gotten inside, we are ready to move to the next stop," the driver said

"Goodbye honey and do remember what I told," Mrs. Ferro said with concern.

"Yes, mamma I do remember" assured Alyssa.

It was already evening and time for Alyssa to come home, as she stepped out of the school premises she saw her dad waiting in the car, she was muddled as well as happy that she wouldn't have to travel on the bus filled with people. Mr. Ferro drove her quickly to the house. 

She saw a truck filled with her house furniture at her porch " what is this ? are we shifting or buying new furniture? "asked Alyssa, " we are selling this stuff and shifting to a remote area..."Mr. Ferro replied.

"Where no one will be able to find you, hopefully, "whispered Mrs. Ferro.

"Wait! will anyone explain what's going on, am I not mature yet to know what's going on among you two adults ? "growled Alyssa expecting an answer.

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