Chapter 34:The Monday Buster Quiz

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Nathan sat at the back, focusing on his quiz.

The teacher approached Kate, but ignored me.

"She's just an illusion. I'm the one really playing this game," I muttered to myself.

Suddenly, my ears start ringing, and I can hear an automated robotic voice in my ear.

"This game is called 'The Monday Buster Quiz,'" it announces, "and the rules of the game are:"

  "You will be given 7 sets of questions about the institution. These questions are designed so that students joining our institution know the basics about the university. You must provide the answer before the class ends, with each question having a time limit of 70 seconds. However, as you were late to the session, you will be given only 48 seconds per question.

There will be four options for each question, with one being the accurate answer. Every correct answer will move you one step ahead in the leaderboard, while a wrong answer will move you further down. The first 10 on the leaderboard pass the test and move to the next round. If you do not manage to come in the top 10, you are eliminated.

If the timer runs out, it will be counted as a wrong answer, and your leaderboard position will be updated accordingly."

They might be computerized illusions, but they share the same IQ as real figures.

"Your quiz begins in 3... 2... 1."

A teacher approached me, seemingly appearing out of nowhere, I am certain she wasn't in the room before. Well, obviously, this must be an illusion.

Suddenly, the screen on my desk lit up, displaying the question along with a leaderboard on the right. Nathan was unsurprisingly in the top spot, followed by a list of names I had never even heard of in Magemenos. The leaderboard extended to 84 students.

"What on earth is this?" I thought to myself. "I have to make it to the top 10 among 84 students who actually belong to Peculous?"

"Your first question is: Why is this game played?

Your options are: 

a) In pursuit of a cash prize.

b) In search of Sierra's Stone.

c) Struggling for survival.

d) Aspiring for a position in Aerra Palace.

And your time starts now..."

"This is so easy," I thought. "Obviously, it's for Sierra's Stone."

I press option b.

"Your answer is... correct!"says the automated voice.

The description read: "The games are played to determine if you are worthy of obtaining Sierra's Stone. If you make it to the end, you will receive one of the four Sierra's Stones, based on your skills and accomplishments."

"The second question is: Who is the founder of the University of Magemenos?

Your options are: 

a) Caporaso Falguerra

 b) Princess Sierra 

c) Lord Thanata 

d) Lord Markades

And your time starts now..."

"At this moment, I'm immensely grateful that Nathan didn't give me the university tour; it was Kate who did. If Nathan had, he would never have explained how Thanata established the university for his daughter, Sierra."

I press option c.

"Your answer is... Correct."reads the automated voice. 

The description read: "The University of Magemenos was built by Lord Thanata in honor of his deceased daughter, a warrior princess named Sierra. This memorial was created so that Peculians would remember the princess's sacrifice for ages."

"The third question is: Apsychos soul enchantment can only be done by:

a) Pseftis Creeky

b) Caporaso Falguerra

c) Greysa Petronska

d) Lia Manon

And your time starts now..."

What in the world is Ap... Apsy... Apsychos soul enchantment? Some kind of soul magic?

I have no idea what this is. I frantically tried to recall anything Kate had mentioned about it, but my mind was blank.

"You have 10 seconds left," the automated voice announced.

Oh god, I forgot about the timing. The questions so far had been ones I knew. Panic surged through me as I struggled to think.

Everyone is always so shocked when I mention that Caporaso is my Peculio guardian. He must be a great Peculian, so let's go with Caporaso.

With just seconds remaining, I press option B, hoping it's the right choice. The tension in the room is palpable as I wait for the result.

The red lights flash on the screen, and buzzers scream in my ear.

"Your answer is... wrong," reads the automated voice.

A sinking feeling washes over me

"Oh no! I can't believe I got it wrong," I hit myself.

I glance at the leaderboard and see my name, previously at 7, has plummeted to 32 in the blink of an eye.

"What? Just for one wrong answer? Oh dear, this is really starting to panic me. How am I supposed to climb back into the top 10? What if the questions become even more difficult? Another mistake and I could drop all the way down to 80."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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