Chapter 12:Nightmare

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"Alyssa... Lysss," a faint voice whispered, pulling me from the depths of sleep. Could it be Mom? Is she calling me? I woke up with a start, the remnants of the dream still clinging to my consciousness. "Wake up, girl," a gruff voice urged, jolting me into the present moment.

"Oh no, am I late? The alarm didn't ring." I hurried to check the time, but it's still not breakfast time... "What is wrong with you, Kate? It's not yet time for breakfast; it's still 5:50," I gasped, my heart pounding with confusion and frustration as I grappled with the unexpected turn of events.

"You fool, it's the announcement. They sent a notice to be there by 6:00, and I don't think I have to tell you about the consequences if you are late." Kate's voice cut through my panic, her words laced with frustration. "I thought of waking you up, but it seems like you had nightmares because you kept weeping the whole night and calling for your mom. You just came, and you already miss your mom. Don't worry, they hold these parent meetings once every six months, so just wait a little longer. Now go and get ready before you're too late," she urged, her tone firm yet understanding, snapping me out of my daze and urging me into action.

I didn't want anyone to pity me, nor did I want to divulge anything about why I was actually here. So, I dodged the question by nodding to her and quickly made my way to the washroom to freshen up, hoping to avoid any further inquiries.

I have to get a hold on myself; I can't keep weeping every night, I thought to myself, determined to regain control over my emotions and find a way to cope with the overwhelming sadness that seemed to consume me 

By 5:58, we were gathered in the courtyard, ready to be escorted to the announcement hall. The anticipation hung heavy in the air as we awaited further instructions, the murmurs of conversation punctuated by the occasional nervous shuffle of feet.

"Good morning to the staff, professors, dignitaries, seniors, and freshers alike. For those who don't know, I am Vincent Pierre from the Department of Magemenos Bulletin, and I will be the one addressing all announcements," declared Vincent Pierre, his voice echoing through the hall with authority and confidence.

"There's a department like that?" I whispered to Kate, my curiosity piqued by Vincent Pierre's introduction.

"Yeah, that's where they get every piece of information from," replied Kate, her voice barely above a whisper, her curiosity evident as she leaned forward, eager to hear the forthcoming announcements.

"Students, today marks the much-awaited announcement of all time. I've had thousands of students ask me about it, so now we will finally reveal the details. To begin, I would like to invite our honorable Dean Mr. Caporasso Falguerra to the stage. Please, sir!" declared Vincent Pierre. 

It was not any shocker for me to know he was the dean.

Caporasso Falguerra made his way to the stage, his gaze sweeping over the assembled crowd. As his eyes met mine, he paused briefly before continuing toward the microphone, a sense of gravity in his demeanor.

"The announcement for today is about the much-awaited selection process, which will be taking place tomorrow in the Aerra Palace. I expect everyone to be there by 6:00 a.m. without any delays, as the doors will be closed promptly. Failure to attend will result in the forfeiture of your chance to receive a Siera's Stone, and I trust you understand the consequences of not obtaining one. I hope I don't have to repeat that," Caporasso Falguerra announced, his voice firm yet tinged with a hint of warning.

"Have your breakfast and come back to the same place by 7:20 sharp. Entry will not be entertained later, whoever you are," Caporasso emphasized sternly, his gaze lingering on me longer than I had anticipated.

As the last row began to move out, I realized with a start that Caporasso's eyes were fixed on me. Hastily, I joined the stream of students exiting the hall, feeling a sense of unease settle in the pit of my stomach.

As I entered the dining hall, the aroma of freshly prepared food greeted me, enticing my senses. The tables were neatly set, with dishes already laid out on each one. Kate and I made our way to the 8th table, taking our seats among the rows of chairs that surrounded it, each table accommodating around 18 chairs. The buzz of conversation filled the air as students eagerly awaited their morning meal.

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