Chapter 31: Lifelike illusion

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"Me and the boys, and there are no 'buts' or 'probablies.' You're coming, that's it," she insists.

But at this moment, focusing on the game's motive feels more important.

"Hey, I'm sorry, but..." Before I could finish, Kate cuts me off.

"Lyssa, please, for me, please," Kate implores, her expression softening into a pleading baby face. It becomes too difficult for me to reject her, especially considering she paid for my pastry. Though it might seem like a small thing, it means a lot to me. Besides, the rules of the game or tasks haven't been laid out yet, so maybe I can tag along until they begin.

"Okay, fine, only for you, Kate," I relent.

"I love you," she exclaims, jumping up and down with joy.

"I'm always with the boys, and there are some things that can only be shared with a girl. So, it's very reassuring to have a friend like you, Lyssa," she says, pulling me into a hug.

"Stop, now don't make me cry before I change my mind," I playfully threaten her.

She giggles. "Okay, princess, get ready and wear something other than your school uniform," she suggests, smiling.

"Yeah, sure," I reply, giving her a side-eye.

But do I even have clothes? Probably, yeah.

I open the closet to find an array of clothes, which is the complete opposite of what I expected. I was brought to Peculus without notice and couldn't pack well. Nonetheless, I settle on a floral skater skirt with a crop top.

Kate, on the other hand, wears a black leather cap, a white shirt, and a black skirt, completing her look with a black leather jacket.

She totally slayed that look

"Kate, you look too good to be true," I say, admiring her outfit.

"Oh really? And you're not too shabby yourself," she responds, lightly tickling the exposed skin between my skirt and crop top.

We share a laugh and confidently walk hand in hand to the location.

As we laugh along the way, we notice people staring at us as if we're crazy.

"There they are," Kate points out, bringing our attention to our destination.

"Hola!" Kate greets, lightly tapping Tyson on his head.

"You... Hey Alyssa, hi! Long time," Tyson says, offering a warm greeting.

"You're looking gorgeous. I've never seen you without your uniform, right, Nathan?" Aiden comments.

Nathan doesn't even bother to reply. That guy always manages to get on my nerves.

"Oh, thank you, Aiden," I reply with a blush and a smile.

"Guys, let's go, we're running late," Kate urges.

We make our way up to the top of the building via the escalator, heading to the terrace.

"The star show starts at 12:00. We can wait until then. Does anyone want anything to eat?" Tyson offers.

"Nah we are fine " said Aiden.

At that moment, all of us were eagerly anticipating 12:00. The stars were so beautiful that I couldn't help but wonder what they would look like once they were illuminated.

"Thank you all for coming here. Now, the show is about to begin," someone announces over the microphone.

Suddenly, I notice Nathan's eyes light up, his gaze fixed on the spectacle before us. He looks like a child mesmerized by new toys, radiating innocence.

Following his gaze, I look up, and my breath catches at the breathtaking sight.

"Wow, it's gorgeous. It looks too real to be fake. How can my illusion be so lifelike?" I murmur in awe.

Nathan's expression shifts to one of anger as he glares at me. "Can you please shut up with your nonsense?" he snaps.

The same guy who innocently adored the stars with his eyes now delivers these harsh words.

"Don't listen, simple as that," I retort.

"You're too close to me to not listen," he counters, staring directly into my eyes. Our height difference makes him look down to meet my gaze. We're uncomfortably close.

"Whatever," I mutter, moving to Kate's other side, positioning myself between her and Aiden.

"I'm so glad I came; otherwise, I would've missed this," I confide in Kate.

"Yes, after so many years, they held a star show, and I'm so glad I could come with you," Kate remarks.

"Do you want to watch again?" Aiden inquires.

"I would love to, but it's already late, and I have so much to do," I respond.

"Okay, cool," he acknowledges.

"Let's go now if you're done," Nathan interjects.

"Nathan, why are you built different, bro? If there were books in the sky, would you stay longer?" Tyson jests, sharing a laugh with Aiden.

This cracks me up too, but the stress of the game troubles me more, so I let out a sigh.

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