Chapter 18

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(First, i know im really awful for being inactive lately but my mother took my phone so i could study :D Im really sorry! I'll Make sure to double-update , Yay xD Love you all! Thank you so much for 1.19k reads! This is beyond amazing!)

"Here we are" Blue smiles.

"Congatulations" Adam whispers in my ears and I smile.

Oh my gosh! It's not huge but it's prodigous! Oh my god!! It has a small swimming pool with a garden and a the villa might look small but it's enormous inside!

"Thank you so much Blue! You have no idea how did you make my day!" I beam and my eyes are almost tearing!!

"Your welcome" Blue smiles and i grab Adam's hands and get inside of the house.

"Congrats" He smiles and i hug him.

"Cough cough, thats harsh, coughs" Blue mocks cause we left him outside and we laugh.

"I gotta go now, because i have an important meeting in a few minutes" Blue explains and I nod.

"See you later" I smile and Adam waves at him.

Adam's POV

I feel like..i know her for years! I have no idea why but she brings magic inside my veins. It's like electricity. Rare electricity. Her curly hair swinging while shes walking, how her hazel eyes reflects with light things..How she nervously rubs her neck when she lies....She's flawless.

"Earth to Adam!!" She half yells.

"Sorry, yes?" I apologize.

"Your phone just rang and you got a text i guess" She informs me pointing to my phone. Oh sorry i was just distracted by how beautiful you are.

"Sorry" i apologize as My hand rush in my pockets to see who texted me.
I feel like..something is missing..I dont know.

I got my phone out and unlock the screen. Mum, It's mum. What does she want?

*Good greif! Adam! Did you forget about the annual family dinner tonight?!!* The text reads.

Oh my god! The dinner! I totally forgot! This family dinner always happends annualy and nobody has any idea how its really freaking important to mum!

*Ofcourse not! I'm coming now! I'm really sorry ..It's really crowded..and well you know.* i lie and send the messege.

"I need to fucking go, now. I'm really sorry" I quickly close my phone and give her a kiss on her cheeck then immidiatley leaves.

"Wait! Whats wrong?" I hear her yelling from the villa. I'll text her and tell her.

I quickly turn on the car and drive. I feel a really fucking shame for Karen but my mum will tear my head off if I arrive there early. Please god! Ugh!

"Great now a fucking red traffic light!" I half yell and decided to explain to Karen in a text..

*I'm extremly sorry! Ill tell you everything as soon as i get there. Asap dont worry* I send her.

*Where r u going?* she replies.

The traffic light is green now. She might have to wait....Sorry.

I hurry back to our house as they all have this dinner there. I hate this stupid tradition! Uhhh.

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