Chapter 21

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(This is how I picture Melody (Karen's servant). She plays the servant at a tv series called Violetta :D. Thank you so much for voting! The reads are life to me ! I hope you enjoy it <3 Love you)

Adam's POV
"You look so cute when you're sleeping" I beam and she hugs me real quick. I love her so freaking much! She has no idea!

"Can i ask you something? It's a bit personal..But if you don't want to talk about it, it's okay" I ask.

Karen's POV

What would he possibly want to ask me? I don't wanna hesitate, but this kind of questiona worries me.

"Sure" I hesitatingly answer

"Where where you living before you get this house?" He asks. I can feel the room suddenly warming up. Why does he need to know? What shall I tell him? Oh, i was just living in a fucking small hut with no food.

"With my mother" I simply answer.

"Where?" He gets deeper in the questions.

"Why do you have to dig so deep?" Iaugh and he joins.

"I just wanna know. I alreay told you if you don't wanna talk about it, then it's okay. Just don't lie. Because i hate lying" He tells me.

"We live in England , In an apartement" i had to lie.

"Cool, Your parents live with you right?" He asks. Don't freaking open this parent's shit infront of me. I'll lose my control emotions and cry.

"My mum" i sniff, bitting my bottom lip to prevent my tears from falling.

"And what about your dad?" He gets even deeper in the questions.

"He died, Adam" I lost it and allowed my tears to fall. I really miss dad. I wish i could reverse the time and spend every half a second with him. Every moment. Every day.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Karen i didnt mean to.." He starts but i cry even more so he stand up from his chair , taking a seat beside me on the bed.

"I love you babe, please don't cry" He hugs me so tight and i laugh a small and a bit quiet laugh at his choose of the word "babe".

"Babe?" I half smile but my tears are still falling and my eyes are quite red.

"Yeah, babe" He smiles.

"I love you Adam, I mean it" I tell him and i can see a huge warm smile on his face.

"But promise me that you will never cry as long as I'm right here beside you"

"I promise"

"I love you" He says, kissing me on my cheeck.

It's strange how we deeply love each other in just few days. Thats rare love. But it's also real, so damn real.

"I need to tell you something, just because i don't wanna hide anything on you" He tells me.


"My Aunt Phoebe's daughter, her name is Sierra. She invited me on a party tonight. And i agreed, wanna come?" He offers.

"I guess, i could" I smile.

"Yes! What are you going to wear?" He asks and i chuckle.

"I don't really know yet"


"Want a cherry beer?" I offer. I just realised that I had those in my mini-fridge inside my room today.

"Umm, sure" he smiles.

I grab 2 glass cups, pouring the beer in them. I watch how Adam's wide blue eyes glance with the red liquid pouring into the cup. It's amazing.

I hand him his beer and he mouths "thank you" to me as I nod slowly.

"Cheers" he jokes and I laugh.

"I love you Karen, i really freaking mean it" He tells me and i smile leaning my head on his head.

I love him too, he has no idea.

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