Chapter 19

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"Finally" I bark while parking in the parking lot.

I reach the mansion's house and knock.

"Adam! Oh my god! You grew up so fast dear!" A woman opens the door and beams. It's my aunt Phoebe! Fuck! If she's here that means..What the hell! That means that Sierra is here too! Sierra is my aunt's daughter and she practically have a crush on me..She's like glue! Always sticking!

"Come in darling" My aunt opens the door wider and I give the fakest smile ever. As i walk in I see a couch full of people. Oh look here she is. Thought so.

Karen's POV

Where the fuck did he go?! How can he just leave me like that? It hurts somehow. What could be that important though? I don't get it.

As i rush in the villa searching for my phone , I hear singing from upstairs. Please tell me no one is freaking here.
I decided to go upstairs and each step i take it comes closer. There's another voice beside the's like a spoon keeps hiting in a glass cup..i don't know. Who can that be?

I reach for the 2nd floor and it sounds like it's coming from the kitchen.

"Who's there?" I said in a cut voice , looking around.

I suddenly bump into an old lady and the tea falls on my outfit and some on the floor. Who the fuck is she?!

"What the hell?! Who are you?" I yell.

"I'm your servant Ms.Sheath. My name is Melody" She smiles.

"Well, my name is Karen. And what servant? Nobody told me about servants here" I said in a little harsh way.

"Oh, I'm the only servant here Ms.Karen" She simi-smiles.

"Mhm, Okay" I said as i slowly turn around looking for my bed room. I need to get some sleep.

Adam's POV

"Look who decided to show up, finally" Sierra mocks in her stupid thin voice as the rest of her couch friends laugh.

"Look who decided to dress in a proper way for once" I fire back and her mouths stand still at an O shape as her friends laugh again.

I chuckle and turn around giving my back to her.

"Adam?" I barely hear my mum's voice from the huge noise of the crowd.

"Yeah, where are you?" I yell for her to hear me.

Mum comes out of the kitchen whisteling and waving for me to see here and I nod. I rush through this fucking crowd trying to reach the kitchen.

"You forgot about the dinner tonight , didn't you?" She starts in a mean way.

"Fine! Yes i did! But i'm standing right infront of you. So you don't have a right to make a fucking film about it" I fire and got out of the kitchen.

"Adam , I'm having a party tonigh. Wanna come?" Sierra offers. No fuck. No.

"Yeah, I don't think so" i said as im still walking through the crowd to leave because i cant take this noise anymore but she's still following me.

"Why not? You're not afraid of being drunk are you?" She chuckles.

"Very funny Sierra" I mock.

"We already ready reached the backyard are you going to walk even more or what?" She asks.

"What do you want?"

"To come to my party"

"Fine. Only for a few hours though" I agree. Only for her to shut the fuck up.

"See you at 12:00 Adam. You already know my address" She winks and return back to the couch.

"One heck of a bitch" i whisper to myself , kicking every rock infront of me with my heads down. I'd rather call Karen. Wait..I don't have her number! Ugh.

I'll just call Laura and ask her for Karen's number.

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