Chapter 22

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Karen's POV

I notice that his hands are on his back since he stepped inside my room.

"What's wrong with your back?" I ask.

"I slipped on that damned stairs. Though, why weren't you answering your phone?"

"Sorry to hear that, are you fine?" I scrub his back upwards and downwards.

"Yeah. Why weren't you answering your phone?" He asks me again.

"My phone died and I needed to get some sleep" I reply back.

"Oh okay. Call Laura back cause she was worried about you, same as me"

"Aw, okay. I think my phone charged a little" i say as i stand up from the bed , heading to my phone and unlocking the screen. 75% charged. Not bad.

I went to my contacts, searching for Laura's name and as soon as I see it, I quickly call her.

"Karen?" She starts.

"Hey Laura, sorry I was sleeping" I apologize.

"It's no problem, How are you?"

"Fine, what about you?"

"Fine" She says as Adam talk in a loud voice enough for Laura to hear, "Melody made lunch, shall I wait downstairs?" He said.

"What's that? Is Adam with you?" She asks through the phone.

"What? oh, yeah. He came for lunch" I lie..i guess i did. I don't really know why did he come. I mouth for him "go" and he nods, closing the door quitley beside him.

"Aww, how cute! when is your birthday though?" She asks. My birthday is soon somehow. Today is 15th of April.

"7th of May" I reply back.

"What a coincidence!!"

"Your birthday is at the same day too?"

"No! But Adam is! Oh my lord"

"Wow" is all I can say.

"Oh, well I gotta go. I can see Mylin making a mess already! Bye, take care" she jokes, then hangs up.

I sigh , puting my phone in my charger again. And heading downstairs for that dinner. My stomach is grumling!

I take the stairs , finding that Melody is still placing the food on the huge dining table. And Adam is sitting on his phone but as soon as he heard foot steps , he quickly looks at me with a warm smile. And i smile back.

"Hey" i say, grabbing a chair.

"Hey babe" he replies back with a kiss on my cheeck. I like how things are going..

I smile while grabbing his plate , adding some food. The plate is full as hell. I'm sure he'll even want more, he must be so hungry.

Melody placed 3 plates of greek salads and macaroni with cheese and fried chicken. Not a fancy meal, but there is no need for one.

"Umm, Karen?" Adam speaks.


"I think you should remove .. The chicken"

"Okay, why though?" I laugh , removing the chicken as he said.

"Because I'm a vegeterian" he tells me and I gasp but then cough quick to hide the gasp. Happends every fucking time.

"Wow, okay" i can't help
But chuckle as his cheecks are as red as the tomatoes in the salad.

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