"My Love is Toxic"

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I left the café after I got my to go order. Who would've known I'd run into Eileah today? And out of all times, when she was shitting. I chuckled at her embarrassing moment in my head.

I spotted her out on the track with her friend again, but I kept walking towards my car. After my classes today, I had plans with my aunt to catch up with her and thank her for paying for my schooling. We usually had little meetings every once and awhile. I already know she's gonna want to talk about my parents, so I suppose that's why I woke up in a cranky mood today.


I looked towards the sports center and saw Delya. She was sweaty and jogging away from her fellow teammates. Eileah and Delya all in one day, huh? I nod at her, pausing my stroll as she reaches me.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just got done with an early morning practice. Have you seen Rory anywhere?"

"Rory?" I frown. "I don't know a Rory."

A crazy grin swept across Delya's face. "Sorry. That's just some chick I fucked with at one of the after parties. Man. Coach was a bitch for making us practice today. But anyways, I meant your friend that was at the game. Eileah, right?"

Finally, you remembered.

"Yeah. And she's out on the track," I tell her.

"Thanks. I'm thinking about asking her to the Christmas formal," Delya blushed.

"Why?" I find myself asking.

We start walking at a slow place towards my vehicle. I feel more numb than usual today. I didn't really want to talk, but now I'm a bit invested in Delya's sudden interest in my friend. "She seems cool. Sorta like the awkward type. And let's face it- It's obvious she's crushing on me. I'll probably make her day and end up with some kitty. Girl's like her don't usually get a lot of people looking in her direction unless they're bad news. I might brighten up her Christmas."

"First of all, you have an entire month before the formal. She might flake out on you. Second of all, if you're gonna use her for some pussy, just tell her that," I sigh. "Wow," Delya laughed, suddenly defensive. "So you get to have all the hoes you want? But the moment I want your friend, it's a problem?"

"I'm just saying. Honesty is the best policy," I shrug. I can't believe I'm saying this, out of all people. The one who's been called a narcissist by a medical professional and everyday people. The one who actively lies just for the fuck of it. "Yeah, alright. Whatever," she scoffed.

I hopped into my truck, irritated as fuck at Delya and the world. I let my air run as I watched Delya jog over to the track and stop Eileah and her friend.

I pulled out my phone and made a split second decision. I called Eileah as Delya approached her. It felt weird seeing her answer the phone and tell Delya to hold on. Her friend awkwardly made small talk with Delya as Eileah picked up my call. "Hello?"

"Reject her," I say firmly, then hang up.

Eileah frowned at her phone a few yards away from me, then slid it into her clothes. She turned to Delya and I watched as she listened to what she was saying. Eileah's friend's eyes widened as Delya kept talking. Eileah and Delya said something back in forth and then I saw Eileah shaking her head.

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