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We got to Main Event a little while later. I guess we were both ditching our classes today, but I had all my work done for the week anyways. "Cheer up, nigga. I'm gonna beat you at laser tag," I promised her. "Cap," Laja smirked, seeming to return to her old self.

We hopped out of her Hummer and I waited for Laja to finish fumbling with her phone. "Bitch, hurry up," I sigh. "I'm turning off my location. Hoes be crazy, man." I nodded in agreement, like I was out here playing with people's feelings the way that Laja did.

"My friend Ana and I are going to a party soon. If you behave today then I might consider letting you come with us," I tell her as we head inside of the building. "I'll behave," she evilly grinned.

"And you better apologize to Ana too," I add.

"Why? She was the one throwing insults and shit!"

"Okay, but you guys are too grown for this," I shake my head. Laja peered over at me. "How old are you anyways?" she asks me. "It don't matter. We all too grown to be playing around."

"Eileah. Tell me. You could be a 16 year old in college or some shit," Laja said seriously.

"I'm 19," I sighed. "Same," Laja shrugged. She nudged me as we got into the line to pay for our cards. "See. Was that hard?" I rolled my eyes. "We shouldn't see anyone from campus," I assure her. "Everybody should be in class or near campus."

"Shit, if I gotta throw hands I will. I'm not scared of them...I just wanna avoid that type of confrontation, if possible."

"What?" I fake gasp. "Laja being...reasonable?"

She rolled her eyes, casually throwing her arm over my shoulders. Crap. She does shit like this on purpose. Has to. Just to fluster me and shit. "Nigga it's hot. Get off of me," I complain. She rolled her eyes again, "Nigga shut the fuck up. It's like 50 degrees in this hoe."

"Yeah but all these funky little children got it feeling like 100 degrees in hell. Smelling like hot ass," I snapped. "Mhm. Whatever," she smiled a little, taking her arm off of me. "I just," she sighed for a long moment, "my mom always told me to stop fighting other people when I'm at war with myself. So, I guess I'm trying to be better with my anger."

I kept my mouth shut. I had a feeling that either her mother was dead or something important had happened between the two.

We didn't talk until we reached the counter. It was loud as hell in here, and the smell of generic pizza that every event place seems to have, wafted in the air. Kids and teens walked around, enjoying themselves with arcade games and bowling. "How can I help you?" the girl behind the counter asked us.

"Can I have two All You Can Play's?" Laja asks her, pulling out her wallet. "Oh, you're paying?" I ask, turning to look at her. She ignored me and I kept my emotions in check. I hated when she did that shit randomly. I guess I should just be glad that I didn't have to pay because my Uber from the basketball game left me really short on change.

"Thank you," Laja got out our cards and started walking towards the food area. I silently walked besides her, trying to figure out if I had done something wrong or not. Was she just not that talkative at times? Was she upset with me? Was she just thinking or something?

"What's wrong?" I finally ask.

"Nothing," she looked over at me, but her eyes were empty. "Laja," I said, stopping her from walking and turning her towards me. "I'm fine," she said barely above a whisper. "No you're not. What's wrong?" I thought back to our conversation. "Is it about your mother?"

Her NarcissistWhere stories live. Discover now