"Shoot Your Shot"

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We found Ana standing near Chad as he surveyed everybody entering the party. "Somehow, I feel like more shit is gonna go down tonight," I say, trying to change the topic. It wasn't the best topic change but I don't want to think about the little feelings I have around Laja, or how complicated she makes my life. I just can't believe Rory and her partners would do some shit like this.

"If I see any of my hoes, I'm dipping," Laja raised her hands up. "And," looking intently at me, she said, "I'd leave and find my own ride. I don't wanna mess up y'all's party or drag you into any unnecessary drama, okay? This is for me to handle. I'm the one playing with people's emotions. This is my battle."

"Literally," I say, giving her a small laugh.

That's another reason I can't let myself fall for Laja's ways. She's a walking red flag, and I'm getting the opportunity to see the real her without having to date her for months. I'm getting the preview of what it would be like to fuck with her...yet, all of these warnings can't keep me from feeling the way that I do towards her. I feel like the stupidest woman on Earth...but what can I do when my heart stands in the way of my mind? Standing against my common sense and better judgment. Hell, even my safety.

"How's it going?" she asks Ana, I guess attempting to be cordial. That's another strike for Laja: if my best friend and somebody I'm tryna fuck with can't get along...are they really the one?

"Eh," Ana shrugged, turning away from Laja.

Laja looked back at me, sighing. "I thought parties were supposed to be fun, ma-ma?"

I blushed, turning my face away from her. She gently turned it back towards her, stepping closer to me with a little smile on her lips. It was getting even darker outside and the shadows of the party danced across her face. It made her look mysterious and spooky all at the same time, the way her long lashes seemed to be even more extended and her brown eyes a demon black.

"We can have fun," I whispered, tilting my chin up towards her mouth in defiance.

She smirked, dipping down to kiss me again.

We couldn't even finish what we had started when I heard a bunch of shouts from the front of the party. "Clear the area! Clear the area!" a drunk dude started shouting, laughing obnoxiously. "What the fuck?" I turned to Laja, who wore the same expression of confusion as me. The whole party paused, trying to see if the commotion was related to him or not. Suddenly, two girls in ski masks crashed through Chad's door.

"It's a gun!" some girl screeched.

The party turned into chaos as people surged towards the back door and the patio area. Laja seemed to turn into a different person, grabbing my arm tightly and pushing through people like a football player, heading for the back door. My arm grazed something sharp and I cried out, holding my wet limb. It was starting to feel hot and fuzzy. What the hell cut me?

"Laja- Laja," I panted.

I was getting dizzy from running as we raced across the backyard to jump Chad's fence. I heard gun shots go off back in the house and the people around us ducked from stray bullets. "Ah!" somebody shouted a few feet from us, dropping to the ground as they held their bloody side.

"Laja, I'm scared," my eyes started to water.

She noticed my bleeding arm and ripped the bottom of her shirt off, wrapping it up almost too tight. "This will stop the blood," she told me, her face emotionless. For some reason, I felt so detached from her in that moment. Couldn't she ever show that she cared? Does she ever care at all?

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