"Your Love is Suicidal"

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"I'm coming. I'm coming," I say into the phone as I jog down my apartment steps. Coach had surprised us again with a team morning jog.

"Ight. Coach is gonna be here in ten minutes."

"Crap," I say, as my phone tumbled out of my hands.

I bend over with my bag filled with soccer shit and reach for it. A pale hand reaches down too and hands it to me, brushing off dried dirt. I meet the face of a white girl with a slicked back bun. "I'm Rory."

"Eileah," I shrug my bag up further on my shoulder, pulling my black mask up a bit over my nose.

"You play soccer?" she nods towards my bag with the school's logo on it. Lone State Private College Cougars, it was an elite HBCU. "Yeah. I do a little bit of everything on the team. I'm a decent goalie- Shit. I'm gonna be late," I blink myself out of my babbling. The girl blushed and slid her hands into the pockets of dark grey sweats. I took her in some more with my eyes, unable to resist despite the risk of being late for practice.

Damn, but this full ride scholarship though!

She seems to be a stem, though.

"Well, uh," I look down at the ground then flash her a smirk. "How about we skip the pleasantries and you give me your number...?"

Rory gives me an amused look, but still hands me her black iPhone 6. "You seem to be late for something. I don't wanna keep you."

"It's fine," I shrug, thinking of all the up down's and high knee's I'd have to do because of my tardiness.

"Hmph, and for some reason I doubt that," she blushed. I hand her back her phone with my contact saved in. "It was nice meeting you, Rory. Perhaps we'll bump into each other again after my coach cuts off my legs," I joke.

"Or maybe you'll text me before that and say your final words," she laughs.

We avoid each other's eyes for a moment, then I gesture to my approaching Uber. "Was gonna be late anyways. Uber's been a bit behind on campus. An overload of students I guess."

"Yeah," she shrugs, biting her bottom lip.

She steps to the side as I approach the car. I wink at her before hopping in, watching in the window as Rory walks quickly upstairs to another apartment.

"You already know what to do," Coach says as soon as I meet the others by the track. I nod and peel off my track suit. I'm in a sports bra and some running shorts. My teammates half heartedly cat call me as I shimmy the material into a more comfortable position and get ready to start on my jogging.

"Why so late, Mink?"

I cringe at Coach's use of my last name. God, the jokes I've gotten about it over the years. "Uber was delayed. I don't have any transportation," I explain as I quickly warm up. "Wake up earlier," she grunts.

"I didn't know we would be jogging this morning," I say honestly, keeping my tone light. If she caught any sense of attitude from me, then I'd be doing more than high knee's and up down's.

"Hmph," she turns away from me and goes back over to the rest of my team. Everyone's packing up to go. They only had to do four laps of jogging and some stretching. Meanwhile, I'd probably be out here a good hour. I put my mask up with the rest of my things and sigh heavily.

"Eileah," my friend barks, just as I'm about to take off jogging. I look back and pout at her. "Nope. Nope. I told ya ass to hurry," she scolded me.

"I couldn't. My Uber was late," I sigh. Why couldn't anyone understand that I couldn't just be notified about a practice thirty minutes before it's gonna happen. I don't have the type of transportation these others girl got. "But, I do have some pretty interesting news to share with you," I give her a wink.

"Well...it better be good. I'm gonna shower then I'll wait for you down at the café. Sounds good?" Ana said.

"Ight. I'll catch you later," I nod.

"I wanna see you jogging, Mink!" Coach calls out.

I take off into a brisk jog, pacing myself as I work my way around the track. By my second lap, I've eased into auto pilot mode, the burn of my muscles keeping me halfway in reality. It was like a tug-of-war of me swimming and me burning, and I'm not afraid to admit that I enjoy it. But like the good distraction she is, Rory keeps flashing through my mind each time I slip out of autopilot mode.

"Fuck," I whisper, falling to the ground.

My head is pounding. Like a million fingers are trying to poke at it with razor sharp nails. I can feel my stomach clenching and my side burning, along with my knees.

"Eileah!" I hear someone calling my name.

I hear a thunder of footsteps and within moments, my best friend Ana is by my side. Her long hair sweeps down in my face, wispy and light brown as she helps me onto my ass. I didn't realize I had been face down in the track until that point.

I wipe plastic gravel off of my face and give her a weak smile like I'm okay. "Look at me. Falling for hoes."

"Eileah," Ana scowls, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. She's a tall Mexican chick with hazel eyes and smooth skin. She's straight, but she's also been known to try a few wild things with girls. I'm sure hearing that I nearly lost a lung because I was thinking about one would baffle her though. But then again...I'm sure it would baffle your typical lesbian too.

"I met her today," I say in between heavy breaths. "Her name's Rory. She's cute and she seems sweet. I talked to her while I was waiting for my Uber," I explain. Ana rose an eyebrow, a look of skepticism on her face. "And you nearly killed yourself because of some chick?"

"You know my body gets all wacky when my mind is elsewhere." She helps me struggle to stand.

"Nauseous?" she asks, holding up a water bottle.

"No, but thanks." I try not to gulp it down as she slowly walks me around the track to get my sense of being back. I hand her back the bottle and she takes a swig out of it too. "Her name sounds familiar. I think she dates this black dude named Jonathan on the cheerleading team."

I shrug. "If he don't look like he strong, I'll be willing to break up a relationship and get what I want," I smirk.

Ana playfully shoves me away from her. "You're dirty as fuck, Eileah," she laughs. "And if he's lifting up shawties all day, I'm sure he got some muscles." She picks up my firm but skinny arm, "I don't think you'd stand a chance."

"Wowww, such a hater," I laugh, leaning against her. "I appreciate it, Ana. I could have been eaten by a swarm of flies and vultures if you hadn't found me."

"Jesus, you're so dramatic," she rolled her eyes, giving me a side hug. "C'mon. Coach isn't out here to see if you finished exercising. Clean up and let's chill  at the café for a minute."


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