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The next day, on Tuesday, I roll out the bed a couple of minutes before my alarm. I check my email, a new habit I told myself I was going to try to form, and I look for anything sent to me concerning a therapist.

Disappointed by nothing so far, I check my messages to see if my aunt had responded to any of the butt kissing I had been doing. Everybody has that one aunt they suck up to so that they can get nice things.

She was mine.

After seeing nothing from my aunt's end either, I text Laja that I was awake, even though I knew she was probably at a surprise soccer practice this morning or asleep. By a split second decision, I decided to head out to the school's track for myself.

After getting into my workout clothes, I head out of my apartment and walk past my Hummer. Today I'll jog from my complex to the track. I slip my AirPods in and pace myself as I move through campus.

Siri notifies me that someone's calling and I slow my jog down to a walk as I approach the track. "Hello?" I answer without checking the name.

"Laja. I saw your message," my aunt says cheerfully. "It's good to know that you're finally taking the initiative to take care of yourself, honey bun." I blush at her nickname for me. "I'm more than willing to help with the costs for your therapy. But I have one condition," she trails off.

What's up with all the women in my life giving me conditions now? I guess judging by my behavior I deserve to be on a pretty tight leash, huh?

"Yes, auntie," I respond in a pained voice.

"You have to come up with the money to replace your Hummer windows on your own. Them cars is ancient as hell and expensive as a bitch."

Figured that.

"Thank you for paying for my therapy," I say nonetheless. A guy jogging past me shoots me a weird look then puts his earbuds back into his ears as he passes me up.

Mind your business then, bitch.

"No problem, honey. I love you." I echoe back the term of affection. "So who's the new girl?" I choke on my spit, stopping my brisk walking so I could get myself in check. "What do you mean?" I play dumb.

"I hate to say it, but I know this new change in you didn't fall out the sky and knock you upside the head, Laja. What girl got you doing right? Whoever she is, she's a keeper for sure, Laja."

"Her name's Eileah," I blush.

"Hmm. Last name? I wonder if I know anybody who knows her?" Oh God, I hope not. That would be awkward as hell. I hate when older folks try to do that. "Mink," I sigh.

"Odd last name. I'd remember anybody with it. I don't," I can hear the shrug in my aunt's voice. "I mean, my last name's pretty odd too. Latterson," I say in the defense of my girlfriend's last name.

I'm at the edge of the track now and still find myself looking towards the sports building. I wonder if I'll see Delya out here. I shudder, imagining her and Tae teaming up on me. Ana will probably be here too. Sadness and guilt sink into me. What if Eileah and Ana aren't friends anymore because of me? What if Ana missed out on being with Tae because of my actions? What if Delya is never cool with me again?

I sigh, realizing that I didn't even know these were things I cared about. My effect on other people was starting to become more and more obvious to me now.

Maybe my aunt was right: Some of these things, I honestly wouldn't have realized without the help of my girlfriend.

"What's wrong, mama?"

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