"Due Damage"

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"We should head over to Chad's now," Eileah says after awhile. "Yeah." Eileah passed me her phone, Snapchat active on her screen. "Everybody there," she pointed, "invite them. And if you want to invite anybody you know too," she trailed off.

"Like Delya?" I ask, raising a brow. "Ion really have many friends. If you hadn't noticed."

Eileah scoffed. "What makes you think I want Delya to attend, huh?"

"Maybe you wanna give her some pussy, I don't know," I shrug, rolling my eyes. Eileah pulled out of the lot, an irritated expression on her face as she drove my Hummer. "Why would I wanna do that? I mean...she just wants to use me. That would be dumb. I could see if I just wanted a quick fuck, then yeah, maybe she'd be ideal. But...I'm not really vibing with her right now. She's starting to really look like an asshole."

"What type?" I smirk.

"What do you mean?" she sighed heavily.

"What type of asshole?"

"I'm done, Laja," Eileah rolled her eyes.

We arrived at Ana's boyfriend's place, and a few people were already there. I checked myself out in the car mirror before getting out, the air outside cooler than it had been earlier. "Let loose. Have fun," Eileah advised me, locking my car.

"That's hard to do," I say, shoving my hands into my pockets and following her inside.

We looked around a bit, taking in the simplicity of the decor in his home and the wide variety of entertainment. "Somebody's having a pool match in the basement," Ana said, approaching Eileah. She shot me a look, then gave her friend a long side hug.

"Anyways," I roll my eyes.

"How many people did you invite?" Ana asked Eileah. I started to zone out, looking around at everybody and their annoying happiness. Why can't that be me? Why am I always stuck on the outside, looking in?

"As many as I could."

I walked away from them, getting myself a drink and pulling out my phone. Ah, and now here starts my standing against the wall phase of the party.

"Nope," Eileah snatched me up. "You're not doing this. We're gonna have fun."


"No but's," she smiled at me. I felt something in me flutter, seeing her smile like that. I blushed, turning my face away from her eyesight so she couldn't see it. Eileah pulled me towards the balcony where a few people already congregated. "It usually gets packed out here during parties," she commented. "Well, at least Ana's. A lot of her friends like to smoke outside."

I nodded, looking down at my drink.

"Laja. I've been meaning to ask you-

"Eileah, we gotta problem," Ana grabbed her by the arm. I followed after them as they went back into the house. "What's going on?" I find myself asking, looking between the two. "Rory's here. With her little boyfriend and girlfriend," Ana sighed.

"Crap," Eileah grimaced. "I hope she's not here to start any drama."

"Wait, isn't she the chick from your apartment?" I turn to Eileah. I start putting shit together. "And Delya's been fucking around with her too, I think."

Eileah only sighed, heading straight towards Rory.

I looked over at Ana, not sure if I should go with Eileah or not. "Who invited Rory?"

"Who knows," Ana frowned, then pushed me towards them. "I need to survey who else is coming into the party. I don't need anymore surprises. Back up Eileah if she needs it, alright?"

"Really. You're just gonna leave your friend like that?" I laugh, finishing my drink. I was starting to feel a bit tipsy. That shit was strong as fuck. I shouldn't have drunk so much, so quickly.

"I'm not. I'm looking out for the both of you," Ana said, her face red with anger. "I'm watching the door so none of your crazy hoes that I've been hearing about come in and so that nobody else that doesn't like Eileah or whatever the case may be, comes in."

Ana marched away, and I looked back through the packed house for Eileah. I shouted out her name over the Playboi Carti playing, looking around for her.

"Don't say another word to my bitch!"

My head snapped to the left and I jogged over to Eileah and the throuple. "What's going on?" I ask her, taking in her pissed off expression. "Don't call me a bitch when you can't keep your's on her lease. She was with me, tryna play with what I got," Eileah said back. A tall ass nigga stepped towards Eileah and I instinctively stepped in front of her. Rory and the girl who I assumed was the other girlfriend watched from the sidelines, heavy makeup and a drunk look on their faces. It seemed to be a lot wrong with how they were being treated, but right now I was focused on Eileah.

"Say that again, so I can slap you," he challenged.

"Yo, just go home. It's over with and you got to keep the girl you want," I shake my head, pushing Eileah behind me. "Yo, who the fuck is this?" he laughed, looking around like he was the funniest dude alive. "Yo, somebody come get this wannabe nigga, please."

I swung on him and missed his nose, but hit him good on his upper cheek and left eye. "Bitch," he blindly swung on me.

I grabbed his fist and started roughly twisting his arm. "You really wanna play that game, buddy? Do you really?" I hiss in his ear, feeling my anger boil up. I let go of his arm, already expecting that he wanted to keep fighting. He stumbled up and tried to punch me again, failing yet another time.

This time I got him in the nose, feeling the crunch underneath my heavy fist. Suddenly, somebody pulled me away from him. Heavily breathing, I turned to see Eileah through my rage.

"Laja stop. It's fine. Ana's getting Chad to lead them out, okay?" Her eyes were filled with worry and she was breathing just as hard as me. I let her lead me back outside and I sat on the edge of the closed off pool. The tile or whatever I was sitting on felt cool on my butt as I got myself to calm down.

"Really, it was fine. You didn't have to do that," she mumbled. I realized she was holding my hand, rubbing her thumb along my knuckles, I guess to soothe me. I felt myself blushing again, but I tried to distract my mind by thinking about Rory and her toxic ass partners.

"I did have to."

"Didn't realize I meant much of anything to you," Eileah admitted quietly, the smell of alcohol lightly on her breath. Her brown eyes glittered in the lighting and I pulled my hand away. "Why- Well, of course I'd know why you would think that," I grimace to myself. "I'm sorry about how I can be at times."

"I know you don't mean it," she said. "And honestly it oddly attracts me to you even more," she blushed.

I let her take my hand again, trying to slow my beating heart. I knew she could feel my racing pulse, she had to. "You're attracted to me...?" I ask.

"A little bit," Eileah admitted.

"Me...too," I looked away, not used to doing this.

When's the last time I genuinely felt anything for anyone since my parents died? Since I went through everything that I have in life? Have I even loved before...would I ever know?

I turned my head as Eileah simultaneously leaned towards me. Our lips could touch if one of us moved forward just a bit. I searched her eyes, confused if this was what either of us really wanted, or if we were just running away from our respective problems.

I made the first move, leaning in and closing my lips around hers in a short but tender kiss. "There," I whispered. She smiled shyly, pulling back and looking at the rowdy party. "Wanna go back inside?"

"Was my kiss that terrible?" I frown.

"No. It's not you, Laja," she chuckled, holding a hand out for me to grab. We stood, facing each other. "I just don't know if I really want to explore this with you. Do you?"

"I don't really know either," I admitted honestly.

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