"Party Girl"

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"What's up?" I ask Ana, chilling on my bed.

"I think I'm gonna become a nun," she says with a dead serious expression. "And why is that?" I ask, trying to keep a straight face. "Cause like Doja Cat said, men ain't shit," she complained. She clutched my pillow like a little baby. I laid on my stomach, playing with an old bracelet I found.

"Actually she said niggas," I snickered.

"Bitch, I can't say that," Ana popped me.

"Ahh," I whined as she smacked my knee.

"But yeah," Ana said, calming down, "I think my best option is to become a nun. I can't do this shit anymore."

I start smiling at Ana.

"Hell nahh," she says, sitting up and throwing my pillow at me.

"I'm just saying. Come over to the good side. I could put you on witta female."

"Eileah," she sighed.

"Ana," I smirked.

"I tried some shit out before but never on a serious level," she admitted. "I don't think I'd be ready for something like that."

"Just try it out? Maybe take a break from dating and experiment and be free," I smiled. "This is college, girl."

"Well, in that case, we needa find a party to go to. I'm tryna find a girl who's willing to suck whipped cream off my ass cheeks," she laughed. I paused for a moment then joined in on the laughter. "Yo, I gotta idea: Laja could be the third member of our friend group or whatever me and you are," Ana said awkwardly, nodding her head in agreement to her own statement.

"Oh wow," I laughed, folding my knees up to my chest and resting my chin on them. "I don't...I don't know, Ana." I shrugged. "She wouldn't be a good fit anyways," I lied.

She looked at me for a moment, her expression turning serious. "What did she do now, Eileah?"

"This time, I don't really know how to feel about what she did," I sigh. "Remember when Delya asked me to go to the formal with her this morning?"

"Yeah. I was wondering why you said no. She's your crush," Ana frowned. "And she seemed to be genuinely feeling you, girl."

"Well, you also remember when I gotta phone call?"

"Yeah," Ana nodded, biting on her nail a little bit.

"Laja had called. The only thing she said was, reject her. That's why I rejected Delya. I don't even know how she knew Delya was gonna ask me out-

"She must've still been there or they discussed it."

"Yeah," I sigh. "So that's why I did what I did. Then afterwards," I blushed thinking about the text, "she told me good girl. I don't even know why I listened to Laja. Especially since she's Delya's friend. And she's a fucking player. And she's an asshole. And she pisses me off," I complain.

"Maybe some part of you could sense Delya wasn't right for you. That Delya's better off as a crush than anything serious or anyone you're talking to. And Laja helped solidify that thought," Ana shrugged.

"Regardless, we're gonna get fucked up at a party before the week is out," Ana added.

"We already got fucked up at one this week. Well...we saw somebody get fucked up at one," I say.

"Welp. History repeats," my best friend grinned.

"I swear you're like the best friend in the movies that always gets the shy girl to do something she doesn't normally do. If I end up being killed or I turn out to have magical vampire problems or powers, just know that I blame you, Ana," I groan.

"I don't even have a best friend type of name. I'm not a Jessica, or a Melissa, or a Danielle. I'm just Ana. That means you're insured to remain human and alive when we go out."

"Find a party. Tell me when it is in advance," I emphasize that part, "and leave so I can get my beauty sleep."

"Looks like you don't get enough sleep then," Ana smiled sweetly.

"Bitch," I swat her. Ana stretched slowly then left my bed. "I'm gonna suck pirate boy's dick one last time before I go on my single and free streak."

"I did not need to know that, Ana," I shake my head. "I did not need to know that."

"Well you do now, so," she smiled to herself.

I let her out and fall onto my bed. Practice had been torture today and I know Ana will find a party in the next twelve hours, so I'll get all the sleep that I can in before Friday and the weekend swoops in.

Cue an obnoxious sigh, what has my life become?

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