"Knock Over the King"

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We leave Eileah's after she showers, grumbling about the club. "You excited?" I tease her, getting into my Hummer. Ana and Eileah had cleaned the car up when they came over on Saturday, but for now I had to use plastic bags to replace my windows.

Let's just say we weren't riding on the freeway today.

"I don't wanna walk around with my face feeling cakey," Eileah whined. "And I don't like wearing dresses because I feel...disgusting in them."

"First of all, I thought makeup was supposed to look and feel natural," I say honestly. "I don't wear makeup so I don't know. Second of all, why do you feel disgusting in dresses? Is it because you don't have any curves?" I ask. Then blush, "I mean, because you think you don't have any curves," I remember Ana's advice.

Eileah scowled, still catching my slip up. "I don't wear makeup a lot either so I don't know. But I just assumed it felt that way since it sits on the skin. And I feel gross in dresses because all my life people have sort of sexualized me in them," she shrugs. "Back when I started puberty I had a little shape to me somewhat, and my parents would always get on me about how I looked in dresses, and it's not like I could help it. They weren't even "slutty" dresses either," she used air quotes.

"Well, we grown now. If somebody got something to say then-

She spoke softly, "But it was also other people. Classmates slapping my ass when I didn't want that. People making sexual comments about my appearance at school. Older men in public saying weird stuff to me. It made me feel insecure in feminine clothing, even though I've always liked "boy" clothing and "girl" clothing. I just feel like some of my experiences have sort of pushed me more so towards the masculine side," I admit. "Whereas, if I hadn't been treated that way, maybe I wouldn't be as masculine, you know?"

"I feel you," I agreed, knowing that's what she wanted to hear. Eileah glanced at me then shook her head. "I'm not always on liar mode, you know," I sigh. "Sometimes everyday people say things to make other people feel better too. Nobody's always completely honest."

Eileah agreed. "You're right. I should stop expecting you to always tell the truth. I lie too, shit," she laughs. "I appreciate you making the effort to make me feel better about myself," she thanks me.

"No problem," I smile.

We make it to Ana's and Eileah calls her best friend before we head up the stairs. "They might be in there fucking," she explained. The way she casually said it gave me the idea that if they were, this wouldn't be her first time walking in on Ana doing something explicit.

"Oh, Delya had text me this morning. When I was getting ready to head over to your place," I tell her, shrugging. "What did she say?" Eileah asks curiously, waiting for Ana to text back if we were in the clear to come up. "She just apologized and stuff and asked if I wanted to hang out today. Mentioned that she had heard about what had went down on Friday with me and what not."

"Invite her then," Eileah shrugged. "I might not be cool with her no more, but she's still your friend. If Delya likes to hoe around and shit then that's her thing, and I'll make it clear to her when I see her that I'm not interested in getting my feelings played with. Although...I seem to still entertain you."

"Then who are you interested in then?" I look her up and down slowly, licking my strawberry flavored lips, courtesy of some lip balm.

"Hmm. Let's see," she smirked, leaning in towards me. "Her name starts with an L." I nod, letting her bite on my bottom lip softly. "And then the next letter is A." She moved one of my hands to her thigh, right near her ass. Her phone buzzed and we heard a knock on one of my car windows. Eileah and I pulled back to see Ana's hands on her hips next to a brown skinned dude in jeans.

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