- Chapter Nine -

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Two and a Half Years Ago

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Two and a Half Years Ago.

"You're getting too close to that Young."

"She'll only betray you because that's what they do." My fathers' tone was condescending, "hey, maybe a bit of heartbreak will do you some good," Kai taunts me, "that's why you swore never to get close to anyone again." I say as Kai reaches for his knife but I'm closer as I lean across the table the blunt end already pressed against his pulse point. "Say that again," Kai smiles as I look down to see his knife, the sharp end, pressed against my torso.

"Haven't gotten laid recently?" I mock while ignoring the rest of my family. I hear Blake snicker as Kai applies more pressure, "at least I'm not pining for the enemy," Kai speaks the truth. "Lizzie isn't my enemy," I remind him because he clearly needs it. Kai is a year younger than me, but sometimes I wished he weren't. I prayed that my father would of let him live his life before being corrupted by our world. To my father, we are all pawns in his game of chess. "Lizzie," Kai says her name with a smirk, when he does this with a tilt of the head, many would argue he looks more like me than Blake. "Is a Young, nothing more. Nothing special," Kai states harshly. I turn the knife quickly so that the tip now cuts into his skin, the red appearing and I hear my mother sigh at the other end of the table.

"Boys," my mother calls out, "we are trying to have a civilized meal." My older brother Blake laughs, "they have no manners," he says as I remove my knife from Kai to return to my seat. "Cut her off Kian, or I will," my father warns, "you won't touch her." When it comes to Lizzie I will always stand up for her against my father, "she is a fucking Young, don't you forget it."

"How could I when you remind me every second?" My mom sighs on the other end of the table as me and my father go head to head. "Either you cut her off or I will— and I have no issues doing it." My father has always been cruel, he's had to be to stay in power. The moment weakness is shown among the Famille, they won't hesitate to question it. "Betray her before she betrays you," Kai advises, "and if I say no?" I challenge him, "then I'll kill her myself. There's no future for you and her, you know that." He continues with his harsh speech, "if she outs our entire family— my empire, she'll wish she were dead, you'll wish I had killed her quickly." I tighten my grip around my knife wishing I could plunge it into his neck, "make her hate you before you love her."

"Love?" Blake echoes the foreign word, "what does Kian know about love? He's seventeen— he knows nothing about the emotion." He scoffs at Kais' suggestion, "but I agree, make her hate you before you both get destroyed over this love you two share." If only it was that simple, "if her father found out about the two of you, he won't hesitate to put a bullet through your heart— for poetic reasons." My father darkly laughs at Blakes statement as does Kai, yet my mother stays silent. "Do you have any opinion on the matter?" I ask my mom giving her my full attention. "I agree with your father," from the corner of my eye I see him nod his head in approval. "Etes vous en train de mentir?" [Are you lying?] my father sighs at the obvious change in language. A language only me and mother speak. My brothers know some words but stopped learning once my father said it was pointless.

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