- Chapter Twenty-Six -

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"Be my maid of honour

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"Be my maid of honour."

That grabs her attention, Angela turns around her mouth agape. "What?" The truth is, we're still going through with the wedding ceremony in January. It's the day before New Year so I'm spending my last shift with Angela on a Thursday night. "Be my maid of honour, please?" I ask again but more nicely this time, "what about," she snaps her fingers trying to remember my other friends. "I want you," if I picked one of the other girls, they'd riot. I wouldn't blame them, for having to pick just one of us.

"Liz," she takes a breath before gripping my hands, "I would love to, but," I stop her before she could think of an excuse. "Amazing," I smile. Angela squints her eyes as she tilts her head, her way of trying to understand me. "When is it?"

"January tenth," Angela's smile fades completely, "in twelve days?" I nod. In twelve days my life will officially be signed over if it isn't already. At least I won't be my father's problem— only Kians. And if he thinks I'll play the happy wife, he's got another thing coming. The truth is, we'll get married— and I'll run again. This time I'm more prepared, I'll travel to Norway, I've always wanted to go, why not when I'm on the run? I'll stay there for three days and then I have another flight booked for Switerzland. Apart of me knows I'm being naive thinking I can run for him. The other part is going to try damn hard to getaway.

I refuse to be locked up in an apartment all my life while Kian's out doing fuck knows. That wasn't the life my mom wanted for me— it's not the life I want for me. And I sure as hell won't die without travelling, and I know if I get locked up, I will.

"Say you'll come," Angela stays silent for a minute and I think she's about to deny, "I'd be honoured." Oh, thank god— I pull her into a quick hug, "thank you." I can't pick between the girls, and I know I would need Angela there. If Kian fucking Bliss believes I'll happily marry him in front of our friends and family, he's more fucking idiotic than I would have guessed.

"I still can't believe it," Angela says as she shakes her head in clear and utter disbelief, I don't blame her. It is unbelievable— that, I, Elizabeth Young am willingly marrying Kian Bliss due to love. "You will be a beautiful bride," she cups my face before resting her forehead against mine, her smile appearing. "I'm so happy for you," she says before bringing me into another hug. "Thank you," I mutter as I bury my face into the crook of her neck, the tears that want to fall stay away. I won't have a breakdown— I won't. That's weakness, I can't afford that.

 That's weakness, I can't afford that

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Playing The Game - Book Four in The WSU Series Where stories live. Discover now