🚩Some people are not your friends, they're just scared to be your enemy

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"Your highness!"

The physcian's eyes wided.He quickly checked the pulse of the crown prince,who started grunting and panting.

"What happened sir? Is my son alright?He must be safe now .....yes he's fine ....... I knew he will make it..Cato.."

"Empress Finola Carlotta Brinley" A stern voice called the empress , who was kneeling down near the Bed.

"Your.. your majesty..."

"Stop humiliating yourself and rise"
The Emperor shot her a glare.
"How is the prince's condition?"

"Answering your majesty, crown prince has lost a lot of blood and his heart has been injured by the arrow.But....his highness.... seems to breathe well now"

"It's a miracle that he's alive"The physician nodded to himself.

"Then there's no reason to stay here any longer" The emperor turned around and walked out of the chamber ,not before glaring at the Empress , who stood rooted near the Bed, clasping her hands with her son's hands .

"Thank goddess ...thank you for returning my precious son's life ... thank you...."The empress silently sobbed .


'I....I feel so tired....'
'Soo much that I could sleep for an eternity'
'There's nothing left anyways...'

'How's my father now? Is he alright?'

'I'M such an ungrateful daughter...'

💭"You're perfect"💭
'No I'm not'

💭"Wow you have won so many competitions"💭
'But I lost in my life'

💭"You have a great future ahead"💭
'Ha jokes on you,I'm dead'

💭"You're such a nice girl "💭
'Then why do you speak ill of me?'

💭"Did you see that winner? She's My best friend! "💭
'Then why did you backstab me?'

💭"You're the best"💭
'I know, but YOU are the WORST'

💭"Hey isn't she Darika?"💭
'I'm not sure myself whether I'm ME'


I'm tired of everything.
THEY all praised me in front , but badmouthed me in the back.

They tell I'm sooo good but they mock me by my back.

I wish I could have snapped at you all but it's not my priority to fight this useless argues.

THEY knew they could not win me by facing me.

THEY knew they cannot criticize or get on my bad side.

Cause they wanted to use me... squeeze all of the help they could get..

What a Shame... Everybody wants to be my enemy....

But to USE me at the same time....▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️▫️

My heart hurts...
It hurts too much...



WHAT in the UNIVERSE ¡!!!¡!!!!!!!!!?!

I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!Where stories live. Discover now