🐫Awa' Arabia

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Ajax Cato Brinley's pov:

The streets of Awa was bustling with merchants from different kingdoms,artists painting portraits of people,shops overflowing with different things,Florals of all nations spreading their fragrances,fire show performed by the performers,and people gathering around to watch them.

"Make way for the Princess, Future Sultana of Awa'!"

Loud cheers erupted as people stood in both sides of the path, anticipating to see the princess's face.

A hand from the palanquin waved slightly, making the crowd go wild.

"Your princess seems to be quite popular " I tried to talk to her maid

"Watch Mr-fake-crownprince. Unlike you,our princess is someone who's going to become the Sultana of this kingdom. So you better respect her"
She huffed.

'She's kind of true though.... I'm just given the title of Crown prince in name. Neither do I have support of the nobles,nor the power.. but what shocks me is even a maid of a distant kingdom knows the political struggles of our kingdom..'

"Kie,watch your tone, you're speaking to a Crown prince" Princess Zahra's majestic presence conquered everyone's attention,but her face was now covered by a veil, only leaving her charming eyes for show.

I remained silent.

I was transported here by that monster.....but why? Why did it spare me? What does it want?....

'Your soul...is mine.'

A shiver ran down my spine.

"Are you going to stand there?"
Princess Zahra crossed her arms, her waistbells clinking together, creating a faint melody.

"Hut hut hut " I said,as the camel started moving.

"Not bad for riding it the first time " princess Zahra complimented.

"I'm a quick learner, Sultana"

She looked surprised as I called her 'sultana' but her lips bloomed into a beautiful smile.

She greeted the people on our way to the palace as her maid held a huge Parasol with vibrant colours above her head.

Curious eyes of people pierced my body,as everyone stared at me.

"He's the c-"

I signalled her not to disclose my identity.

"He's my new ....slave"

'A what now?'
'Did she just call me her slave!'

Kie giggled,as princess Zahra smirked.

Soon people lost interest on me,as here,staring at a 'concubine' is offensive.

'Great Darika, now you unlocked a new achievement: Slave of the future Sultana '

I facepalmed.

'That too not to forget, I'm a girl!'

We reached the enormous palace, which shined brighter than the sun. The roof made of gold,told tales of their prosperity.

I instinctively looked down at my now tattered clothes

I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!Where stories live. Discover now