🍜The Gut Buster Inn🍻

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Our Cato's POV:

I'm dying....

I feel my brones being crushed by cetus's iron grip as the cold sea water hit my body with force. Salty water made my eyes red as tears flowed continuously.

I tried to release from it's grip only in vain.

This seems like end..

I don't care about myself.... okay I might,but still Finnegan is dying there because of me.

..I need this damned creature's tooth to cure him.

Suddenly everything came to a pause,making my heart beat drop to my stomach.

'Why is it so silent? It's scary!'

I tried my best to hold my breath. Good thing I learnt swimming.


Then everything went blank.

Zahra's POV:

I swam deep,deeper,until the ocean looked pitch dark .

There prevailed a pitch silence, making my heart beat rapidly.

'Where is he?'

My leg touched something oily and I almost forgot to breathe.


I pulled out my dagger ready to attack,but the scene before me was just ...

Cato shaking an unconscious monster with a worried face.

'wait..why do he look worried?'

I reached towards him,pulling him by his collar.

His eyes widened by seeing me and soon pushed me up, indicating me to go back.

No one's POV:

Cato carried two heavy cetus teeth,which he sawed out using his sharp boomerang.soaked in sea water,he ruffled his wet hair as the ship crew sang his bravery for killing cetus. Zahra's maid bawled her eyes out,pulling the princess away into her cabin.Little did Cato knew that this is just the beginning.....

Ajax Cato Brinley's POV:





"Your highness!" Captain hat cooed.

"We're celebrating this victory..so here we are!" He pointed out to an island.

"What is that place?"

"A great place to dine tonight. Everything is on me!"

"Did you just forget that I'm the crown prince?" I striked a pose.

"But this is free food!" The maid clapped.

"You're back?"

"Yes yes so can we just hurry up YOUR HIGHNESS"

"Since when did you start respecting me?"

"Since now"

"So what is the name of this place?"

"Ah.. princess, it's the GUT BUSTER INN!"

"gut buster inn?" I questioned. Even the name is weird.

"It offers the spiciest foods...it has all variety of stews,crabs, noodles,fries,.."

"Wow let's go" I am craving for spicy food.

Thus we landed on the island, obeying our rumbling stomach.

The inn was bustling with drunk pirates, playing merchants and workers who are busy as bee.A band was playing an energetic beat which will make you tap your toes with rhythm.we sat in a corner table as a bald man approached us.

"Twenty Dragonturtle pastry, five nightingale,fifteen grilled stone...," Paused Captain Hat for a moment, thinking.

"How about Brained Baffoons!" The crew yelled in sync.

"Add them too" he smashed a bag of gold coins on the table,as few coins rolled down on floor.

Princess Zahra sat near me,giving a pointy look at the inn. Her maid handed her a handfan.

"Looks like someone is excited to be here" I nudged her

She gave me a sharp stare before forming her lips into a smirk.

"Here say aah~" she targeted me with Dragonturtle pastry.


"You're making it obvious" she laughed, bringing it near my nose.

"No no no , spare m-"


I instinctly pushed her away.

The music went silent and the whole people at Gutbuster inn focused their attention on us.

Great Darika, just what you wanted now!

I launched myself down the floor.
"It's good to do something different in a while" I laughed awkwardly.


But somehow it worked! Everyone sat on the floor, eating and drinking their time away.

"I'm sorry" I apologised, handing her my handkerchief.

"You should be " She said in a mocking tune.

The Fireworks started out of nowhere and we enjoyed it through the roofless inn.

"When are you leaving to your Kingdom?"

"You want me gone?" She questioned back.

"Everything is over now, and I'm in a hurry to go back to my kingdom" I said not looking away from the fireworks.

"You must return too" I turned to see Zahra with a confused expression.

"I'll send Captain Hat to accompany you -"

"I can go by myself" she got up.

"Princess Zahra wait-"

"Here" she squeezed a jug into my hand.

"Elixar-the healing water,that you need for your another brother"

"Thankyou but how-"

"Do you have anything else to tell me?"

"Ha yes! I totally forgot,here"


"Yes I have my Bride Selection ceremony in two weeks and you are my only friend.So I'll be waiting for your arrival"

"Zahra?" But she walked out without replying.

Hello 🤗
Yes yes your favourite author updated 🎉🥳🎉

Ok that was a bit of selfclaiming😔
But hey a person can hope right?

So stay tuned for upcoming twists and turns ❣️

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