Deal with Sultan🪶

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"Greeting the sun of Awa', Your majesty Sultan" Ajax kissed the back of Sultan's palm.

He raised his hand and everyone left the room silently.

"So to what do I owe the pleasure.. prince Brinley?"

'He's not ready to treat me as a crown prince...I see..' Ajax thought,as the Sultan poured a golden goblet full of Grape Wine.

"We harvested a large amount of crops this truly is a blessing "
He poured another goblet with the same wine and offered it to Ajax.

Ajax slowly accepted it,and placed it in a corner.

"I don't drink Your majesty" he said stiffly.

'Our kingdom is the largest standing one,but he still dare to disrespect the crown prince of Brinley ' he thought as his hand balled into a fist,which was noticed by the Princess.

"Father, let's hear what the crown prince has to say "

But the Sultan was still in deep thoughts.
"He didn't even drink huh.."he muttered softly.

"I would like to buy few Turinji flowers from you your majesty"

"Ridiculous!" Sultan slammed his goblet on the table,as it's content splashed over the table and himself.

*Clap clap*
Immediately two servants rushed in
and started cleaning the table.

Sultan removed his robe, revealing a body with a huge scar running across his right chest.

The servants excused themselves,but this whole time, Sultan's bloodshot eyes remained connected with Cato's.
But Cato refused to give he stared right back at him.

Princess Zahra cleared her throat ending their staring contest.

"So, you have spies here in my kingdom!"

The wheels in Cato's mind started moving..
'So the Turinji flowers are supposed to be a secret'

'This is my only chance!'

"Why? You certainly didn't think that a powerless Crown Prince won't have any source...did you Sultan?" Cato smirked.

"..... what else do you know?"

"Why? should I disclose it to you?"

"Father Sultan!"

Princess whispered something in his ear to which he nodded

"Let's have a deal,shall we?"


ᕙOne week laterᕗ

"I want to let you drown in this ship"
Captain Hat shouted at Ajax Cato.

The always calm and collected Captain lost his cool after hearing what happened with the Sultan.

"Then why not let me drown?" Cato replied. "Big wide sea, anything could happen"

"Because unlike someone I know the meaning of loyalty. And our Majesty
is rather wanting to see you in your Bride selection ceremony "

Holy coconuts! Just when Cato thought this day couldn't get worse..

"Bride selection ceremony? For this man?" Princess Zahra laughed,taking a seat next to Cato.

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