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"You are here"  the Empress remarked at her son, who smiled warmly.

"Mother I -"

"Take the ingredients that the crown Prince acquired and start the treatment " she said in a monotonous voice.

But Cato didn't miss her proud profile and her raised chin while other queens stood astounded.

The physicians swarmed in like bees,filling prince Finnegan's room for treating him.

"Where are the other princes?"

"That that-"

"They are grounded" a still voice came from behind.

"Your Majesty, The Emperor" Cato bowed .

"May I ask the reason?"

"You may not. I have an important announcement to make.. follow me"

"Yes your majesty " he wanted to object,but chose not to. Not in this situation.

They entered a lavish hall polished with silver. The Fountain of Fools stood in a corner, which is an unlikely position for a fountain.

"Do you know why this is called Fountain of Fools? "

Cato looked inside the Fountain to see his reflection but can't see it.

The Emperor chuckled, pulling his sword out of it's sheath.

He inserted it in the eye of a fish sculpture of the Fountain.

A passage opened with a creak,revealing  a door in the middle of the Fountain.

"Follow me"

They walked in a never-ending tunnel , which seemed so well maintained.

There stood a throne, coiled by golden flowers and green emeralds. It looked Majestic,the mere sight of it powerful enough to bow before it.

"Why did you bring me here... your Majesty?"

"When will you drop the formalities?"

"I don't see a need for it"
'Did i just say that? ' Darika panicked.
'I can't seem to control my words!'

"I see...you are still immature "

"Who are you to call me immature? Who threw away his family's happiness? Who abandoned my mother ! You are one Hellish of a father"

"It's no use bringing you here" he nodded his head in disappointment.

'Darika hold your horses! Is the real Cato's spirit possessing me! Oh my'

"Y-Your Majesty please forgive my insolence, I didn't mean any of that..the travel exhausted me to quite an extent.."

"I'll bring you here later. Your mother wanted to speak with you "

He looked at the Throne with with an unsettled emotion, before turning back to walk.

What was he about to tell me?
Why did the Crown Prince resent his father?  What is that throne doing here? Why did he suddenly chose not to tell anything? WHY?

Several questions circled his mind as a new headache embraced his already exhausted body.

"Where is my son?" He suddenly remembered.

"It's not of my concern" the Emperor said coldly.

"What did you do to him?"

"The real question is to whom did you give his Custody?" The Emperor looked at him narrowly.

"Baroness Ria .."

"That traitors are good for nothing and yet you left your child in their care "

"They're not traitors!"

"There's a reason why I cut down their political ties Crown Prince...But you saved them"

"I'm going to see my son"

"Remember you should not feed snakes or it will..."

"I don't have time for this talk, I'll be going your Majesty " he swiftly walked away from the Emperor.

He opened the nth door with force. Anger and fear  was written all over his face as he searched for his son all over the palace.

"Where is Baroness Ria?"

"She is not in the capital for last few weeks your highness " a knight bowed.

"Where is the royal heir? Is this how you carry outbmy order? You all dared to show such disobedience!"

"Because he is not the royal heir"

"Your Majesty The Empress" everyone  in the room bowed and kneeled except Cato who rushed towards his side.

"Where is my son Mother? Di you know where he is?"

"I do" she said flatly.

"Then where is he-"

"Why are you so eager to see a unnamed thing"


"You have important duties to take care of"

"What are you implying? Where is-"

"Did you see your brothers and sisters who was grounded for weeks because of you!"


"You're not fit to be an Emperor, I'm deeply regretting my upbringing"

"I don't care about anything anymore!" He yelled.

"I am not willing to play your royal games and nod to your commands...Just tell me where my son is!"

"I see , then i don't have any choice either" she pulled out a scroll.

"I'll give you information about your child if  you do what i say"

"Marry whom I choose tomorrow "

I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!Where stories live. Discover now