🫖Brewing Chaos☕

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"Silly girl, can't you see? This is HIS Little Empire and you are not the crown princess anymore"
Rhea smirked.

"That's so rude-"


Morwen warned her lady in waiting in a calm tone,who immediately obeyed her master.

"What do you want from me?"

"I see you are quite witty Miss Solasta"

"Can I say something?" Leika stood up abruptly.

She pulled out a sealed scroll and placed it before them.

"I am trying to get divorce from the crown Prince"

The other two look completely shocked as Ralvia even dropped the teapot.

"I'm sorry your Highness" she apologized quickly , trying to clear the mess.

"What are you saying!" Morwen questioned,still not able to believe the situation.

"I have decided to end my marriage and I need your help"

"That's perfect, one less thing to deal with" Rhea laughed out surprised by the outcome.

"You can sure be so foolish,do you think it's that simple? Have you thought about the consequences?"
Morwen grabbed Leiko's shoulder.

Leiko sighed softly, releasing herself from Morwen's grip.

"I think it's the right thing to do princess, I can't spend my life sitting here like a doll waiting for the crown prince to grace us with his presence..besides I don't love him and i know you also don't have such feelings... I advise you to do the same, divorce him"

"Ha! what a show" Rhea air clapped, crossing her legs.

"Then why do you wait so long? Why did you even marry the crown prince?" The usually calm Morwen now lost her composure.

"I .. I had no choice"

"So now you have a chance?" Rhea grinned.

"Oh please don't interrupt us your Highness" Morwen's lips former into a thin line.

"Please help me  annule my marriage" Leiko said weakly.

"Don't tell me you're going to live as a widow for the rest of your life.. No one will take a royal widow as their partner..you may get executed if you anger the Royal family"

"He will..."


"Drach... He will marry me "

"You mean the young lord of Hawthorne Duchy?" Rhea's gossip mode tickled

"It's a taboo! Loving another man when you're married to the crown prince! I never thought you could be so shallow " Morwen glared at her..

"Judge me however you want but It has always been him...I love him"

"He's Betrothed to his Highness's sister Princess Nikita Pia! And she loves him more than herself! If you break her heart, his Highness will have your head!"

"That I can assure you crown princess Leiko" Rhea stressed the word 'crown princess' which made Leiko wince. "Believe me when I say his Highness always talks about princess than anyone else"

"He loves me... I don't think the princess deserves someone who won't cherish her"

"Don't act innocent,you still decieved his Highness" Rhea taunted.

"I don't know anymore Crown princess no Leiko" Morwen stepped away from Leiko "I can't help you or promise anything "

"And his Highness sang praises of his noble wives" Rhea stood from her seat,dusting off imaginary dusts. " If I stay here anymore my sanity will be in danger,now  excuse me "

"You don't have to"

"Crown prince?"

I Became the Crown Prince of a Novel Everyone HATED But I'm a GIRL!!!Where stories live. Discover now