🔳Second male lead arrives-2🔳

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Long short story, I'm having tea with Mr-Ohso-handsome-second-male-lead
I mean pretending to drink tea, come on,why can't they just drink juice or water?Why the HECK everyone is addicted to tea or coffee or wine?
I'm seriously frustrated.

I blowed on my tea,as if it's the most hottest thing.He glanced at me while sipping his tea.

'Think Darika Think!'


"This tea tastes like plain water. How am I supposed to drink it?"

'Yes! Blame it on the tea! Blame it on the tea! Classics are handy sometimes'

"That tea is something some people can't even get a taste of"he gave me a dissatisfied look.

"I have a unique taste though.some things just don't suit my taste"I defended casually.

'Ha..if you want,then drink it.Dont bother me'

"Forgive me your Highness, let me pour you your favourite tea" a butler offered, brewing a new tea.

'I'm screwed today!'

"Make it perfect for his Highness" he commented, before helping the servant to pick up the broken teacup.

The maids, who were secretly spying on us abandoning their works,awwwed probably touched by his gentlemanly act.

'I cleaned up a whole damn glassware set my maid broke you know!'

'This drama queen of a second male lead! Putting up a show for others!' I huffed thinking about his deeds.

"Here your Highness"

"Thankyou" I accepted the cup of tea from him and gave it to the servant who cleaned up the mess.

He looked shocked,as his hands shook, making ripples in the tea.

"I'm truly sorry for behaving rudely. I..... I Was just worn out from all the incidents happened. Please accept this tea as my apology" I offered him with a pleasant smile.

His eyes moistened in gratitude as he thanked me telling that it's more than what he deserves as a servant.

'Yup. I killed two Birds in a stone' I glanced at the maids,who looked at me with loving gaze.

'Maybe I killed more than two'

"Enough of this silence, what do you want to discuss with me?" I questioned him.

"The Dukedom of Hawthorne opposes the indifferent behaviour of the Royal family towards the Massacre" he casually slid a letter towards me.

"But the Head of the Royal family was injured and even his Highness-" I signalled Gideon to remain silent.

"So you are opposing the Royal family" I spinned the fork in my hand.


" I wonder what other motives Hawthorne Dukedom hides" I smiled,slamming the fork on the table.

"We are simply doing our part"

"Is that so Conlaed Drach Hawthorne?" I speller his full name for the first time. Yup he is the second male lead most likely the male lead 'cause he had every readers support.

His attention grabbing orange eyes looked like fire drops,full of energy, enthusiasm and warmth

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His attention grabbing orange eyes looked like fire drops,full of energy, enthusiasm and warmth.

His glossy voluminous hair shined bright like silk threads of golden and orange.

He's tall, certainly taller than me and has muscular body.

'But my green eyes are more attractive than your orange ones you know? Author,you must have really poured all Beauty into his character description.'

My train of thoughts were cut short by my sisters cough, who was peeking from the bush with a certain green head.

'What are they doing in the bush?'

"This is the decision of the nobles, as the Royal family has ignored our request to-"

I could not concentrate on him,as my gaze was fixated on the bush.

"Your Highness" he was close,so close to me that I could see his perfectly combed double coloured hair.

'Could this guy like.......get lost? He's blocking my sight'

I pushed his head aside, continuing to watch the bush.

'When I catch you, you'll be done for'

He followed my gaze to the bush, looking at it intensely.


"Show yourselves or die"

'Did he just cut the bush! My sis is inside dude!'

I springed to my feet, rushing towards the bush.


"Princess Nikita?"

"Pia what are you doing here?" I pulled her towards me, hiding her from Conlaed Drach's sight.

"Cato I.."

"We just came to eavesdrop" Jasmyn shrugged.

"Don't you dare spoil my sister!" I pinched her hand.

"Then who am I?" She retorted, punching me back.

'Ouch that hurts'

"It's not proper to do things this way your Highnesses"

"I could handle them Conlaed Hawthorne" I waved him off removing the leaves from Jasmyn and Pia's hair.

'He probably thinks I'm spoiling my sister's but who cares,I can spoil them as much as I want, they're MY sister's afterall'

"We shall discuss this in Justice Manor tomorrow.Until then I hope you and other nobles could be patient. I won't tolerate any other disrespect towards The Emperor and the palace" I handed the letter to the Butler, ordering him to hand it to the Empress.

"Pia why are you looking back?"

"Don't you know? She li-" before Jasmyn could complete,her mouth was shutted by Pia's hands.

"She's just joking"

Jasmyn shrugged.

'It doesn't look like joke though'

'Don't tell me she likes him or something!'

"We'll see you later Cato!" Pia grabbed Jasmyn, running away.

"Bye Caty Cat!" Jasmyn yelled, turning back.

"Wait! What were you trying to tell before? Hey answer me!"

It's too late..

'They run pretty fast for girls wearing heels'

'But what was that about!'

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