🦈🦈Case Hearing and Nanaues Fearing🦈🦈

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Visha smirked, bringing it close to her lips.

"Fine.." I shrugged, walking off the crowd, followed by a confused looking Emerson.

"That...you just panicked about poision....but"

"Confused right?"

He nodded.

"Find it yourself"

"Brother!...you can't do this! I don't like suspenses!"

"Look, you don't like suspenses and I don't like revealing suspenses, understand?"

"You're evil"

"Am I ?" I chuckled, meeting the gaze of Visha, who had that confused look,as she examined both the juices doubtfully.

"The hearing begins"

The calm surrounding turned into verbal battle.

Everyone accused the incapability and lack of power of the crown

"The nobles sure look like enjoying a puppet show" Oslo uttered, clearly disgusted.

"Not everyone...... maybe"

"Ah! And the moon is circle! As if"

"But isn't-" Hold on Hold on moon is triangle here!


"I was-"

"Brother please please please please" Emerson gave me puppy eyes.

"Eeww.... what did I just see!"Oslo covered his eyes.

"What will happen if she drinks it? What do you do?"

"I told you I don't like revealing suspenses" I grinned.

"What suspense?" Oslo questioned.

"Later" I waved them off taking my seat to listen to the Hearing.

Aunt Jallisa was giving her best suggestions,but neither people nor nobles are ready to accept it.

"This I going to be a long case" Jasmyn sighed leaning on my shoulder.

"I wish they could get justice" Nikita Pia layed on my lap.

"Are you both tired?" They nodded.

I can understand...they are princesses afterall. Today they helped me a lot. They are not used to work like this.

"Fine you both can sleep"

"Ha soo princess like" Juniper mocked.

'She seems to hate me. She may be the Emperor's favourite daughter and eldest princess. But she's....

"You can sleep on my shoulder too,no need to be jealous" I smirked.

"Y...you " she seemed momentarily shocked,but weared a smirk on her face.

'See ..... Smirking must be in this family's genes'

"I'm quite well mannered unlike someone"

"Then go maintain it somewhere else"
Jasmyn snapped, before going back to sleep.

'Well tangling in drama is like.... A normal routine nowadays'

'But I do like how gracefully she carries herself'

~After few minutes~

"Your Highness" Gideon, my personal knight bowed.

"Shhh" I silenced him, pointing at my sleeping sisters.

"It's urgent" He whispered.

I woke them gently,and followed Gideon to a secluded place.

"What news?"

"Nanaues are attacking"


Nanaues are humanoid,land-dwelling shark demon with vicious Jaws,sharp claws and impressive agility. These demons are excellent climbers and capable of jumping great distances.

The sketch of Nanaue, which of course I read in the Royal library,appeared in my mind.

The sketch of Nanaue, which of course I read in the Royal library,appeared in my mind

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'But isn't it just a imaginary thing?'

'Forget it.... anything can be real in this world'

"Where is it?"

"You mean they your Highness?"


"There's a whole bunch of them "

I gulped.

"Does anyone else know?"

"Some of our knights are trying to hold them...but I'm afraid it'll reach Justice Manor in some time"

"We must go now!"

"Yes your Highness.. but should we inform the Emperor?" I glanced at the Emperor, making negotiations in the hearing.

"No need"

"What we need is weapons and fire"


Sorry about that song above...I just had to do it.

My hands itched to do so😭😂

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